Sunday, January 28, 2007

Training 1/22 - 1/28

Mon- Treadmill, 6 mi, 52:16, 8:43/mi

Tues- Tripp 10K, 6.2 mi, 44:18, 7:09/mi
First 2 miles difficult to run on snow covered trail.

Evening: Upper Body Weights, 45 min
Treadmill, 4 mi, 30:00, 7:30/mi

Wed- Rest

Thurs- Rain Run (modified course), 8.3 mi, 58:31, 7:03/mi
Kept up with some faster runners and had a great pace.

Evening: Treadmill, 4 mi, 33:11, 8:18/mi

Fri- Treadmill, 6 mi, 51:33, 8:35/mi

Sat- Columns/Half Route, 10.8 mi, 1:32:07, 8:32/mi

Sun- Prathersville + Blueridge, 16 mi, First 8 mi 1:02:01 (7:45/mi), last 8 mi 59:21 (7:25/mi); overall, 7:35/mi
I’m very happy with this pace on a hilly course. I felt strong for the entire run. Temp was only 18F and a bit windy.

This week is my highest mileage week that I’ve run since 2005 when I ran 60 miles a couple different weeks. I felt strong all week with no aches, no morning stiffness, no muscle soreness, and good energy level all week.

Evening: Upper Body Weights, 44 min

Running: 61.3 mi

Weight-lifting: 89 min

YTD Running: 219.9 mi

February 3rd-Nut Race 5K
March 17th-St. Patrick’s Day 5K
April 1st-Hogeye Marathon
May 19th-Berryman Trail Marathon


Danielle said...

Great job on that long run. That's awesome you were feeling so great and managed a negative split!! I didn't think I'd be able to get my long run in at anything other than a set pace, especially after my first few miles were so slow, but I pulled it off, just not nearly as great as you did!!

Kurt said...

Some serious mileage glad you are feeling good and prepped!

Anonymous said...

Just wearing out some shoes