My back has been bothering (stiff and sore) me since my run on Tuesday. On Wednesday, it was hard to walk in the morning, but after stretching hamstrings, it felt much better by the end of the day. Also, the tightness and pain was all on the right side so I was kind of off balance. It was better yesterday and today even better although I could still feel it during my mile warm-up.
This was a completely flat and certified course that went on part of the Katy Trail. We started out on the road. Temp was about 50F and bit humid but overall very nice conditions. There were around 30 people either running or walking. We started and there were 2 runners that quickly developed a good lead over me. I did not know them so I didn’t know what to expect. Before the first mile, I caught one of them and just after the first mile passed the other one. My first mile split was 5:53.
I wasn’t sure how motivated I would be to continue that pace. My back was bothering me just slightly but not too bad so just tried to run in a way that it did not hurt much. This is a flat course so it was pretty easy for me to maintain my pace. The last part of the second mile was on the trail and my split was 5:56. The beginning of mile 3 was on the trail and then we went back to road. The last 0.3 were back to the trail. Mile 3 split was 5:59. I ran the last 0.13 in 0:43 (5:39 pace). Total time was 18:32. Second place was 20:02 so I developed a really good lead.
This turned out to be my 3rd fastest 5K and my fastest on a certified course. My 1st and 2nd fastest 5K was run on a course that is short so I guess technically this is my PR. Also, I felt like I could have run it faster under more ideal conditions and didn’t feel like I could put forth my best effort. Issues today were back hurt, lack of sleep, and spent 3 hours last night moving stuff from basement to garage.
I talked to the 3rd place guy after the race and he is more of a spring triathlon guy, but he is also considering the OT100 mile in November. Post race blueberry muffins (which were excellent) and bananas were served. I felt this first year race went well. Also, we got a black wicking shirt and the award with the fireman’s bobbling head is very nice.
Did they spell benefit wrong on your trophy?
Yes. I guess that makes it unique and increases the value?
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