Sunday, October 21, 2007

10/15 - 10/21 - Rock Bridge Revenge 20K

Mon- Rest

Tues- Rest

Wed- Rest

Thurs- Rain Run (Forum) – 7.6 mi, 59:15, 7:48/mi

Evening: Weights, upper lean #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble, 40 min

Fri- Rest

Sat- Boatman Hill/Oakland with dogs for first half, 8 mi, 1:14:05, 9:16/mi

Sun- Rock Bridge Revenge
Temps started off in the mid-60s, low-humidity, very windy, and sun. On the way there I realized I didn’t bring any gels so stopped by Wal-Mart and picked up some Sports Beans to use. I ran the 20K (2 loops) which started at 9:00 and the 10K started at 9:20.

Started off going down hill and at a fast pace positioned in 5th place. The trail was in really good shape today so no mud to deal with. At about 2.5 miles I decide to pass a guy ahead of me and as soon as I pass him, he stops running. At about 3 miles is the first water stop and then the grasslands area where it is sunny and a little more wind.

At about 4 miles back into the woods and I can hear someone coming up behind me. I’m really wishing he would pass me. I cross the creek and get one shoe wet. Finally, the guy passes me but I’m not sure if he was the same guy I passed earlier. I’m feeling good but running my own pace so let him run ahead. Some guy out in the woods tells me to stay with him. The last mile is the toughest part of the course with several hills and is my slowest mile of the first loop.

I hit 6 miles at exactly 47 minutes so was around 48-something at the half. I stopped at the water station to make sure I drank a full cup of water. I continued at a faster pace with the downhill at the beginning of the loop. There is no one that I can see behind or ahead of me so it is like I am out there running on my own. The next few miles were decent and felt good but pace had slowed a little. Then the last tough mile which I still felt good. I could finally see the clock and under 1:40 so finished with a nice kick in 1:39:44. Really felt like I could have done another loop.


M6-8:59 (47:00)
M12-9:24 (1:36:34)

Placed 5th overall of 27 runners in the 20K and 1st in my age group of 30 – 39, but was the only runner in that age group. Hugh ran the 10K finishing in 53:17, 18 of 63 and 2nd in age group. I cut over 3 minutes off my time from 2 years ago and he cut almost 2 minutes. The run felt great and very enjoyable. I didn’t feel wiped out like I did in 2005 after the 20K.

I took more rest days than I intended this week since I didn’t manage to run in DC but did a lot of walking. I’m looking forward to increasing mileage again next month so that I can drop the 5 pounds that I seem to have gained while in DC. I have run fewer miles per week since Sept 3 even though I’ve run 3 marathons. My weekly average has been about 40 miles since Sept 3 and was previously averaging 50+.

Running: 28 mi

Weights: 40 min

YTD Running: 2122.6 mi

October 27-The Amazing 5K Race 22nd Annual Bulldog 5K Run (Kirksville)

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