Sunday, October 28, 2007

10/22 - 10/28 and the Amazing 5K Run

Mon- Rest

Tues- Dave’s Devil Run, 6.6 mi, 47:48, 7:15/mi
This run felt great after last week’s rest.

Afternoon: Boatman Hill/Oakland with dogs, 8 mi, 1:08:44, 8:35/mi
Ran first 4 mi with dogs.

Evening: Weights, upper bulk #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), PT, & Wobble, 57 min

Wed- Rest

Thurs- MKT – Bridge, 7.8 mi, 1:01:11, 7:51/mi

Evening: Weights, upper bulk #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble, 43 min

Fri- Boatman Hill/Oakland with dogs, 4 mi, 35:23, 8:51/mi

Sat- The Amazing 5K Run, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO
This one turned out to be not too amazing for me, but very amazing for Hugh. Actually, there were some amazing outcomes for both of us in this race that I will mention later.

We arrived about 7:30 to pick up our packets. They had us both registered as Hugh in our different age groups. The temperature was 43 F, but no wind so felt pretty nice. I opted to just wear a long sleeve wicking shirt. Race started sharply at 8 am and director mentioned we had a record turnout. Everyone looked really young.

I lined up right behind the guys in the front row. No one showed up to shoot the cannon this year so it was ready, set, and go. It seemed like several runners took off way too fast so I settled into my own pace trying to keep it at about 6 min. I did pass a few guys that took off too fast. I had the impression that some of these students hadn’t raced a 5K before. Split for the first mile was 6:13.

The last 2 miles have some hills and this always proves to be a challenging course for me. I tried to keep up the 6 minute pace but didn’t have it in me and it just hurt. I could hear people right behind me but managed to make it through the second mile without being passed.

I kept thinking this is going to start feeling better, but it didn’t. I can understand feeling pain and expect it in a race, but not at the pace I was running. Second mile split was 6:43. Next time I will remember to warm up for this course.

The last mile I continued to hold off the runners behind me and then at the last 0.1 mile three of them that had been using me to set their pace decided to pass me. I really didn’t care since I figured they weren’t in my age group anyway, but decided I wasn’t going to let anyone else pass me so pushed as hard as I could. No one else passed me and I finished in 20:10 which is a PW for this year. Lat mile was 6:47 and last 0.1, 27 seconds. There was a guy 1 second behind me. He did thank me for pulling him along after we finished.

Not long after I finish, Hugh crosses in 21:39 which is one of the fastest 5Ks he has ever run and a great time for this moderately difficult course. My time was 40 seconds slower than I ran it 2 years ago. Overall though I finished 9th of 132 and 1st of 7 in my age group (35-44). I did feel pretty good that the first 8 were all 24 and younger. The closest person in my age group was 2 minutes behind me.

Hugh finished 17th overall and first in his age group (45 – 54). “Amazingly”, the first 16 people were all 34 and younger except for me. The closest person in his age group was 20 minutes behind him.

My average HR was 165 so I think I gave it a decent effort and it just wasn’t a day to break any records for me.

Results are posted here

Sun- Rock Bridge State Park (Rock Bridge Revenge Course), 12.4 mi, 1:56:13, 9:22/mi
1st loop – 58:47
2nd loop – 57:26

Running: 41.9 mi

Weights: 100 min

YTD Running: 2164.5 mi

November 3 – …

November 10-Cranberry Crawl 5 or 10K

November 17-XC Extreme 4 mile

November 22-Thanksgiving 10 Pie Run 5 or 10K

December 1-Jingle Bell Run 5K

December 8-Cheese & Sauerkraut 10 mile

December 31-First Night 5K

1 comment:

  1. Hey Buddy, getting caught up on the blogs and Hugh had a great race. You sounded like you had tired legs and still kicked some arse. Way to go on keeping the young ones in line!
