Sunday, October 14, 2007

Training 10/8 - 10/14 and Baltimore Marathon

Monday - Boatman Hill/Oakland with dogs, 4 mi, 36:56, 9:14/mi

Evening: Weights, upper lean #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), PT & Wobble, 36 min

Tuesday - Tripp 10K, 6.1 mi, 45:51, 7:31/mi

Wednesday - Rest

Thursday - MKT, 6.6 mi, 53:55, 8:10/mi

Friday - Rest

Saturday - Baltimore Marathon

I arrived at my hotel in Baltimore about 4 pm on Friday afternoon and headed over to the Expo. It was a little confusing picking up the race packet, chip, and shirt since we had to go to 3 separate places that were really far apart. I guess the idea was to get everyone to pass all of the booths. I bought some plain flavored GU for the marathon. I ended up buying 6 since it was the same price as 5. Also, purchased a shirt for Hugh. There were also lots of Under Armour wear since that is the marathon's sponsor but too expensive for me to buy anything. By the time I finished I was ready to eat dinner.

I was planning to eat at Roly Poly but they were closed and every other place I tried nearby so kept walking until finally I found a place called Milton's Grill that looked good. I was starving by now and even though it was a little late I had the Salmon, baked sweet potato, and fries. I was still hungry so had a brownie sundae for dessert. The food, atmosphere and service was really good but more time and money than I intended to spend on dinner.

I headed back to the hotel and decided to go a different way and missed my street in the dark so was walking around trying to get back hoping that I wasn't walking into any bad neighborhoods. Eventually made it but did more walking than I intended to do. I got back to the room and got everything ready to go and went to bed.

I got up at 5:30 after not sleeping well and planned to leave by 6:30 with the marathon starting at 8. I had my pre-race shake and 2 bananas I had purchased on my long walk the night before. I felt wiped out so had some coffee and that seemed to wake me up. It also seemed to get everything moving so several trips to the bathroom before I decided I was ready. I had to be checked out of my room by noon so rather than risk rushing back I had them hold my large bag and checked a smaller bag at the marathon start headquarters. I was just a little worried leaving my bag at the hotel since the desk attendant couldn't open the room they normally lock the bags into.

I ended up arriving at the race headquarters to check my bag at about 6:40 and no waiting at all. I used the bathroom again and then headed over to the start. Still not many people around so I sat down and waited. Then went back to use the bathroom in the stadium. I was impressed no waiting at the bathrooms. No one was lining up in the street to start until about 7:45. I kept on my extra long sleeve shirt. It was about 52F and I was a little chilly. I lined up with the 3:00 pacers which were right behind the few elites running in circles with the special pink numbers.

After a short speech from the mayor and star spangled banner the wheel chair racers started. Then a few minutes later I was running. I didn't feel great but decided to try to stay with the 3 hr pacers. It felt like they were running too fast, but we hit the first mile in 6:59 so not too fast. I tried to keep the pace comfortable but felt like I was pushing it. Legs just didn't feel great yet. I did seem to fly through the water stations compared to other runners and would get ahead of them. I passed a couple of the 3 hr pacers so figured I must be doing okay. The first couple miles was slightly up hill and after mile 4 mostly downhill, and then the course flattened out but still varied some.

Mile 5 was all down and fast at 6:16 and by mile 7, I was feeling good and all miles to this point were under 7 min. Miles 8 - 14 were fairly flat and all under 7 min and still passing a few runners and more 3 hours pacers. I'm thinking these might have been people trying to run in 3 hours but not sure since I never did see them again. I passed the guy dressed as the Dunkin Donut at about mile 10.

I hit 13.1 in 1:28:12, but knew the latter part of the course had some hills but didn't know how much it would slow me down. I had a slight cushion but still was not confident that I could run under 3 hours.

At mile 15 - 20 the course goes mostly up, down a little at 20 -21, and then up again to 22. Most of these miles were over 7 minutes. These hills slowed me down but I was passing other runners so felt good. I thought maybe if the last 4 miles were mostly downhill I might be able to make up a little time.

I didn't feel like I was getting enough water even though I was drinking at every station which was every 2 - 3 miles. At mile 17 a woman that was not part of the water stops offered bottled water so I took one from her. I drank about 3/4 and then dumped the rest down my back. The crowd support along the course was pretty good most of the way with a lot of people at the half. We were also running with relay runners. Half marathoners started at at the 13 mile point so they were not a factor which made the marathon feel smaller.

After conquering the hilly stretch, I had 4 miles to go and some downhill so I was feeling better but took a couple miles to get my speed back. Once I got it back, another slight hill to slow me down again and then a mile to the finish. I sprinted hard to the finish and ran the last mile in 6:57.

Finished in 3:02:07 placing 61st of 2542 and 11th of 312 in male ages 35 - 39. Even though a sub-3 would have been nice, I couldn't be disappointed in this strong finish. I didn't feel like I slowed down more than other runners since I was still passing people in the last mile. The latter hills were definitely a factor since I had speed on downhills and flat.

I felt good at the end, had a bar, water and banana. Picked up my bag and then tried to get more info on my results but their system was down for some reason. I decided to look for a place to eat on the way back to my hotel and the only place I can find open is McDonalds which really didn't appeal to me but I felt like I needed some protein.

I went back to my hotel, gathered my bag and then headed off to DC. My left ankle was a little sore this morning (Sunday), but once I walked around, everything felt much better. Muscle soreness didn't hit until this afternoon after walking around all day.


1-6:59, 2-6:52, 3-6:46, 4-6:38, 5-6:16, 6-6:40, 7-6:32, 8-6:25, 9-6:40, 10-6:33, 11-6:51, 12-6:40, 13-6:30, 13.1 - overall time 1:28:12, 14-6:55, 15-7:41, 16-7:11, 17-6:57, 18-6:47, 19-7:12, 20-7:49, 21-7:00, 22-7:37, 23-7:33, 24-6:43, 25-7:56, 26-6:57, 26.2-1:19, 6:57 overall pace

Sunday - Rest (actually walked quite a few miles around DC)

Running: 42.9

Weights: 36 min

YTD Running: 2094.6

October 21-Rock Bridge Revenge
October 27-The Amazing 5K Race 22nd Annual Bulldog 5K Run (Kirksville)

1 comment:

  1. Still say how consistent you's great. Can't wait for Twin Cities next year! Kurt has also decided to run it next year. In fact he volunteered to pace me to my 3:30...with luck we'll come in just over a half hour after you!
