Sunday, July 01, 2007

Andy's Training 6/25 - 7/1

Mon- Rest

Tues- President's Hill, 7.6 mi, 54:31, 7:10/mi
Feeling really strong up the hill.

Evening: Weights, upper lean #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble, 60 min

Wed- Track Workout 1 mi warmup, 3-100 mstrides, 3:01- 5:20/mi; 3:20-5:41/mi; 2:01-5:30/mi; 2:05-5:30/mi; 1:05-5:23/mi; 1:05-5:23/mi; 400 m cooldown
Overall: 3.7 mi, 24:17, 6:34/mi
We were supposed to run 3 min, 5K pace, rest 1 min, and then run back. Hopefully end back where you started by 3 min. The 1 min was supposed to be at mile pace. It poured rain before we could do our 800 m relays. We got thoroughly soaked, but at least it was cool. I wore my HR monitor and it got up to 161.

Thurs- Rain Run -Forum, 7.5 mi, 53:24, 7:07/mi
It really rained on our namesake course. I ran with a new guy that wanted to run fast and didn’t know the way. We ended up going down Forum which added a little extra mileage. I think the pace was so fast since it was raining and cool.

Evening: Weights, upper lean #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), 63 min

Fri- Doe Brook with Dogs, 3.5 mi, 37:18, 10:39/mi
Legs felt pretty dead. Dogs splashed in a mud puddle in the ditch that we passed several times, plus Bruno jumped in the pond. Then they bothered the neighbors walking 2 little dogs so I cut the run a little short.

Sat- HOA Course, 22 mi, 3:15, 8:52/mi
Nice cool morning. 4 runners started and we had another join us later on the course. It started to rain early in the run and rained lightly the entire time which kept the temps cool. I ran ahead with another runner, Bryan. I ran his pace and when we finished the 17 mile loop, he was going to do 5 more miles. The others weren’t back so I joined him. I found out this made 90 miles for him this week. He said he had lost 30 lbs since last year and quit smoking. He mentioned at 13 miles, he had run his fastest half marathon. Normally, he runs by himself and I guess I helped him push the pace a little.

Sun- Rock Bridge State Park, 17 mi, 3:18:00, 11:41/mi
My first couple miles were very slow. In fact, this entire run averaged pretty slow. I know my GPS was off today and added some, but wonder if it was off more. I had to go around several fallen trees on the trail plus a lot of mud due to the recent heavy rains. I started at 5:30 am and no one else was at the trail. I must have stepped into some stinging nettles stepping around the fallen trees since my legs felt like they were on fire. Eventually, it subsided some and then I stepped into some again. I ran faster hoping to find some water. The pain subsided again so I waited until I reached the bathrooms where there was a fountain outside that I could rinse was my legs under. I also had to deal with a lot of spider webs and washed those off as well. I was very tempted to quit when I got back to my car, but at 7:30 am when I passed through the parking lot, Jeff was waiting. He had been there at 6:15 and read the paper to see if anyone else would show up. We waited until 8 am and Mike D. arrived and we all ran 7.5 together but a different course than I ran earlier. Jeff led the way so I didn’t have to deal with any spider webs. Jeff went out again to finish his 20 miles.

Running: 61.3

Weight-lifting: 123 min

YTD Running: 1372

July 4th-Parley P. Pratt Memorial 4mile Freedom Run
July 21st-Smokin’ Chicks BBQ 5K
July 29th-Show-Me State Games 5K
August 4th-Great Sandbagger 10K
September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon
September 22nd-Hocking Hills Indian Run – 60K

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