Sunday, June 24, 2007

Training 6/18 - 6/24

Tues- Jaira’s Jaunt, 7.2 mi, 54:43, 7:36/mi
Took it just a little easier than usual to recover from last week.

Evening: Weights, upper bulk #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble, 58 min

Wed- Track workout, 1.1 mi warmup, 4-100s, 2- 800s, 2:51, 2:55; 4 400s, 1:19, 1:20, 1:19, 1:19; 1x100, 20, 800 m cool down
Overall: 4.2 mi, 27:11, 6:28/mi
The 800s were supposed to be run at 5K pace. The 400s were supposed to be run at mile pace. I think I was close on the 5K pace and a little slow for the mile pace. The last part of the workout we attempted a 4 min mile. My 100 m was slow after all those repeats.

Thurs- MKT Bridge - increasing tempo, 7.8 mi, 57:07, 7:19/mi
I started pretty slow and caught up to one faster group and then decided to catch another faster group ahead of them. We were supposed to keep increasing the pace until the end of the run. I felt like I really got sucked into the pace and was able to hang with them at an incredible pace, low 6’s.

Evening: Weights, upper bulk #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), PT & Wobble, 60 min

Fri- Doe Brook with Dogs, 4 mi, 33:26, 8:21/mi
Legs felt really good for this recovery run. My recovery pace was about where it needs to be. Dogs jumped into the pond twice.

Sat- Long Run Lunatics, 15 mi, 1:58:22, 7:53/mi
M1-3- 27:36
M10- 6:33

Second 3 miles were to be run at tempo pace which I estimated to be about 6:35. I felt really strong on these and seemed difficult to keep the pace from getting away from me. The next 3 were recovery miles and miles 10 – 12 were tempo and definitely had to push on these and kept up with Tom and Darrin.

Sun- Bear Creek Trail, 12 mi, 1:51:48, 9:19/mi
The plan was to run 10 miles, but had enough time so did 12 miles. I ran to the hilly part starting at about 2 miles and repeatedly ran the hilly part until I had run 10 miles and then back to the car. I ran the first 4 hills attempting to get a maximum heart rate, but could only get up to 160 and I’m pretty sure it is higher. I did get a resting heart rate of 37 before getting out of bed. However, I had to throw the dog out of the bed at first which got my heart rate up. Eventually it went down to as low as 30, but seemed to stabilize at 37. I’m going to take a couple more readings for both min and max and see how high it gets at the track workout on Wed. I think I need a less steep and slightly longer hill. I pushed as hard as I could up the first 4 hills but I don’t think my legs were rested enough to get a max reading.

Legs felt good this week with all of the speed work. Also, lots of humid workouts too.

Running: 50.2

Weight-lifting: 118 min

YTD Running: 1310.7

July 4th-Parley P. Pratt Memorial 4mile Freedom Run
July 21st-Smokin’ Chicks BBQ 5K
July 29th-Show-Me State Games 5K
August 4th-Great Sandbagger 10K
September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon
September 22nd-Hocking Hills Indian Run – 60K

1 comment:

  1. That is a really low RHR. Mine is 46 but I am not as in shape as you either.

    Good workout week again.
