Sunday, June 17, 2007

Training 6/11 - 6/17

Mon- Doe Brook with Dogs, 4 mi, 36:00, 9:00/mi

Tues- Dave's Devil Run, 6.6 mi, 44:51, 6:48/mi
This was our record attendance day with 169 runners. The warm-up was shorter than usual and everyone seemed to be pushing the pace.

Evening: Weights, upper lean #2 (back, biceps, abs), PT, & Wobble, 58 min

Wed- Track workout, 1.1 mi warmup, 4-100s, 4- 600s, 2:04, 2:06, 2:04, 2:02; 2-300s, 1:15, 1:05; 1x200, 800 m cool down;
Overall: 4 mi, 24:54, 6:15/mi
Hugh joined me for our first track workout. The 600s were supposed to be run at 5K pace, but I ran them a little fast at 5:25 pace. The 300s were supposed to be run at mile pace. I’m not sure my mile pace, but ran about the same as the 600s. The last part of the workout we divided into 2 teams of 10 and attempted a 4 min mile. I ran 200 m. Both teams were approximately 4:15. I think we would have done it but our baton handoffs weren’t great.

Thurs- MKT, spur to mulch pile, 7.8 mi, 1:08:03, 7:42/mi
Hamstrings were sore from track workout so planned to take it easy. Ran with 3 other guys, but still a pretty good pace on the all flat course.

Evening: Weights, upper lean #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), 40 min
Completed stretches but skipped the PT exercises and wobble board.

Fri- Off
Abductors and hammies were sore. Upper body, mostly chest and triceps, really sore from new weight routine this week.

Sat- Long Run Lunatics, 20 mi, 2:51:36, 8:35/mi
We started about 5:30 am to attempt to beat the heat. My legs felt pretty good, but my hamstrings were a little sore. We started off pretty slow to warm-up. The first 10 miles seemed to go quickly and completed in 1:30. Hugh stayed behind on the second loop and did an extra 3 mile walk plus 3 mile run on his own. One other runner also left us since she only wanted to run 10 miles and we picked up 3 other runners for our second 10 miles. Each loop was different and had some hills. The second 10 miles went faster and the eight of us split into groups of 3 and 5 near the end, with the 3 of us picking up the pace. We completed the second 10 miles in about 1:22. It really warmed up quite a bit before we were done. I felt pretty good though and hadn’t lost too much weight when I weighed myself at home.

Sun- Rock Bridge State Park, 16 mi, 2:56:02, 11:00/mi
I arrived at Rock Bridge State Park at about 6:15 am. I had planned to run 16 miles. Deanna was there and we ran together. We did a short loop first and came back to the parking lot to see if anyone else showed up. Then we took off again across the road in the Gans Creek area. The trail over there was grown over quite a bit so we headed back after about 1.5 mi and ran on the Devil’s ice box side. My legs were pretty sore, but the soft trail was just what I needed to get the 16 done. Deanna ran with me for the first 11.5 miles and then I ran another loop to get the 16 miles. A very enjoyable run that seemed to go quickly. The temps heated up and I was glad to be done.

I think I’m going to take it a little easier for the next 2 days. Legs have not been this sore in a long time, but it’s a good soreness.

Running: 58.8

Weight-lifting: 98 min

YTD Running: 1260.5

July 4th-Parley P. Pratt Memorial 4mile Freedom Run
July 21st-Smokin’ Chicks BBQ 5K
July 29th-Show-Me State Games 5K
August 4th-Great Sandbagger 10K
September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon
September 22nd-Hocking Hills Indian Run – 60K

1 comment:

  1. Another great training week. Wish I was training as well as you are.
