Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Parley P. Pratt Memorial Freedom Run 7/4/07

This morning I ran the Parley P. Pratt Memorial Freedom Run. This is the annual run that celebrates a jail break. The entry fee this year was reduced from $1 to FREE and also free post-race pancakes which looked like may have doubled attendance over last year. Temps were in the upper 70s with humidity but a lot of the course was shaded by the trees since this race is 2 miles out and back on the MKT trail, Also, a very flat course.

We arrived about 45 minutes early and I thought about warming up, but didn't do so. My goal today was to run a sub 25 which would be a new 4 mile PR for me. The race started about 8 am and we lined up on the grass and then would quickly merge onto the trail. Immediately, I found myself going a little fast so slowed it down just a bit and let the super fast sub 23 and sub 24 guys go ahead. I was thinking maybe I could do a 6:10 average pace. My first mile split was 6:11. I passed one guy that apparently started a little fast and at this point was in 5th place overall.

The second mile was the turn around point. I really wanted some water to pour on me, but didn't take the time. Second mile split was 5:53. I was a little concerned this was too fast, but feeling good other than the heat and humidity. At this point, I could see everyone else and received lots of encouragement.

Third mile split was 6:08 and it was getting more difficult to maintain the pace. I was losing it a little mentally since I was thinking if I can run this last mile in 7 min, I will still have a decent time. I pushed on and saw Matt D. ahead of me. I'm thinking, I could probably catch him if I pushed. I pushed a little, but didn't catch him.

Fourth mile split was 6:17 and I placed 5th overall out of over 100 people. Final time was 24:29 which is a 43 second PR over my 4 miler in April. My time was also a course PR, 47 second faster than 2 years ago. My 6:07 pace was only 2 seconds slower than my 5K PR. Hugh ran a sub 30 at 29-something and a PR for him too.

Considering the heat, I am extremely pleased by this performance. If it had been a cool day, I'm sure I would have run even faster. I never dreamed I could run it sub:24:30 today.

After the race, had some pancakes, collected my special bead for running the race, talked with some people, and then headed home.

1 comment:

  1. Still can't get over your speediness even in da man!
