Sunday, June 19, 2011

2011 Trekking for Kids

I ran part of the course before the race and figured out that had marked it wrong again this year and it would be short.  There was a 5 and 10K and I had signed up for the 10K.  It rained during the warmup but held off during the race but I was already wet. Since I knew the course was short, I decided to try running this faster than 10K pace and maybe even push it at 5K pace. First 3 miles went well and then slowed down a bit but still faster than my 10K pace overall and 2 seconds per mile slower than my 5 mile PR in 2008. Overall a good race for pace 6:13/mi for 33:01 overall and 5.3 miles.  I still like this race even though they can't seem to get the course marked correctly and it is a certified course with a map.  They say they will try better next year. Placed 2nd overall and won 6 months to Anytime Fitness. 

Only ended up running 7.7 miles between the warmup and the race.  I still am not feeling real motivated with running, but am happy if I can continue to get 40 something miles per week for now.  I went home after and did some P90X which made me feel really sore today. Even my neck muscles hurt.  I ran a 17 mile long run this morning that went okay and then really fell to pieces that last mile.  Average pace was 7:55, but last mile only 9:40.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like your running is coming right along as well Andy. I can't say my mileage is up as high as yours though.

    Btw, how did you get your pr's on your wall?
