Saturday, June 11, 2011

2011 Phil Sayer 5K Jefferson City

This race is put on by MU Extension Fire Rescue Training during their summer fire school in Jefferson City.  Money goes to a scholarship fund for continuing education for firefighters.  Mark Lee is the race director and makes the trophies which are pretty cool.  I ran it the first year 2 years ago, but missed last year since it fell the week after I had run my first 100 miler.  There were about 20 people running today.  Temperature about 72F and a little humid but overcast.  I started at my normal 6 min pace and 3 guys were ahead of me.  I held my pace and passed the first one at 1 mile.  First split was 5:56.  I could still see the other 2 guys ahead.  This race is totally flat and partly on the road and also the Katy Trail so I was hoping for a better pace, but didn't happen today.  Passed another guy at the second mile that was slowing down.  Second mile split 6:00.  The guy in first was too far ahead to catch so kind of lost motivation to push the last mile which I ran in 6:09.  Overall time, 18:45, 6:02 pace for 3.11 miles.  Received one of the nail runner trophies for second overall.  Hugh and I ran out and back on the Katy trail for a total of 10 more miles after running the race.


1. 17:43  -  Gerald Holtmeyer  -  1st Mens
2. 18:45  -  Andy Emerson  -  2nd Mens
3. 19:30  -  Caleb Ruth  -  3rd Mens
4. 21:22  -  John McNay
5. 22:53  -  Craig Wehmeyer
6. 23:10  -  Hugh Emerson
7. 23:33  -  Darla Atkins - 1st Womens
8. 24:25  -  Greg Luebbert
9. 27:27  -  Lisa Wehmeyer - 2nd Womens
10. 28:13  -  Allen Wehmeyer
11. 30:33  -  Christa Rhoads - 3rd Womens
12. 31:53  -  Stacy Ducan
13. 38:02  -  Kyle Haslen
14. 39:20  -  Julia Edgar
15. 40:05  -  Teresa Heidbrink
16. 47:19  -  Mary De la Guerra
17. 49:36  -  James Lundsted
18. 49:38  -  Julie Lundsted
19. 54:15  -  Angie Gott
20. 54:15  -  Cindy Gott

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