Sunday, January 17, 2010

2010 Runner's Choice 20K

This is a very laid back event so I was just going to use as part of my run. I ran to the start from home. Some parts of road and sidewalk were a little slippery, but not too bad. On the way there, Dan H. honked at me. I arrived about 10 min before we started and signed up for the 20K. We had 18 in the 20K and 22 in the 10K. I lined up near the back of the pack since I was going to just see how it went. The run there felt okay and was not a bad pace so figured I could at least run 7:30s. Andy S. who I have run with quite a bit recently was there so I caught up to him. The course is out and back 2 times for the 20K so fun to see people on the way back. Lots of people I knew were running. Hugh also ran the 20K and was shooting for an 8 min pace.

Andy and I ran the first 10K in 42:59. We headed back out and actually did a bit of talking and then started to focus again. We ran together. until about mile 11 and then pulled ahead a bit. It was nice having someone to pace with since I haven't been motivated to run sub 8s lately and we were running mostly sub-7s. Finished in 1:25:52 so second half was 6 seconds faster. Overall average pace was 6:57/mi. This was my second fastest Runner's Choice so not too bad overall and I didn't feel like I went all out. I felt good too. Hugh paced 8:03 so very close to his goal. Whitney had baked some goodies and ate several of the apple cinnamon muffins and then ran home finishing 23 miles for the day.

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