Saturday, February 07, 2009

2009 Nut Race 5K

Ran 10 miles at 7 am before the race with the Uprise Group at 9:01pace. Arrived at the race about 15 min before start time at 9 am. I felt good today and was hoping for something under 19 min. I had part of an energy drink before we received our pre-race instructions. I was wearing 2 long-sleeved wicking shirts from my earlier run and I changed into the one that felt the lightest since it was above 60 F. I thought about going shirtless but decided I could remove during the race if I got hot since the course is almost 3 loops.

At the start line, the race director mentioned that the most scantily dressed would win a coconut. Since it was about 62 F this wasn't a big of a deal as normal. This is called the nut race since often it is quite cold. I think this year was the warmest nut race on record.

Everyone seemed to start off at a very fast pace going slightly downhill. I just let them go and tried to slow down as my Garmin was clocking 5:38. I felt really good and tried to keep the pace around 5:55. I passed a few people in the beginning and then stayed behind Brad E. Going up the hill, I slowed to around 6:11. After it leveled out we were back to the start and it goes gradually downhill again and I picked up the pace. I dropped my shirt off at this point.

About mile 2, I was catching Brad and felt like I needed to pass him. Then up the hill again the same pace as before. Here I passed a group of 3 guys running together. After the hill, recovered quickly and again a good pace going down.

On the 3rd loop, I lapped a few people. The pace up the hill slowed a bit according to the Garmin, but once I hit the downhill, I easily made it up running 5:30 - 5:40 to the end. The 3rd loop does not go all the way back around and I sprint to the end.

M1 - 5:59
M2 - 5:58
M3 - 5:58
M3.13 - 0:43 (5:47 pace)

I have never run a 5K with such even splits. The course is almost 3 loops and the miles are not in the same position, but we do get the hills on each loop. I was still amazed they were that even since the last hill was slower, but made it up on the down. I had way too much left at the end too so know I could have ran this better.

I had a course PR by 25 seconds at 18:37 and my second fastest 5K. I placed 2 out of 10 in my age group of 40 - 49 and 7 of 45 overall. It was a fast group of runners today. I was the only person in the 18 min range and the others ahead of me were in the 15 - 17 min range. I received an age group award for second was a jar of peanuts. Award for first was a bigger jar and 3rd was a small bag of peanut M&Ms. I also received the coconut. Although another runner removed their shirt during the race since I beat him, I got the coconut for most scantily dressed runner. Hugh also placed second his his age group.

The past 2 weeks after Disney I have run 84 and 78 miles. This week is a cut back week for me and will be 58 miles. Then next Saturday I run the Pyscho Wyco 50K trail run in Kansas City. Then back to the last few weeks of training for 3 Days of Syllamo. I am hoping to be more prepared than last year for this one.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Yeah showing up healthy for 3 Days would be great. I was dissapointed after last year. I'll talk to you at Psycho man. I got in at the last minute. Wasn't sure if I'd feel like running it 7 Days after surgeory but peer pressure talked me into it. I'll probably use it as a training run for 3 Days though. I'll just see how I feel. Later.
