Sunday, January 25, 2009

Strange occurrence after running - Raynaud's Syndrome?

This afternoon I met Dan for a trail run at Rock Bridge. We ran 9 miles together and I ran 9 alone. I really felt like I was running smoothly today and had good energy. I dressed as warm as yesterday wearing 2 layers of pants, 2 shirts, jacket, warm hat, and gloves. I did wear the lighter gloves and hands felt plenty warm even though it was 19F.

Driving home, I noticed the tip of my index finger and middle finger on the left hand were feeling a little tingly and numb. I thought this was strange since my hands felt warm during the run. I just assumed maybe a pinched nerve or maybe I was grasping the steering wheel too tightly. I stopped for gas and still noticed the fingers felt tingly. I am thinking maybe they got cold and I didn't realize it. I wasn't worried since I figured I'm in the warm car and they will be fine.

I get into the house and then notice the index and middle finger are turning completely white. At this point I am really freaked out and don't know what is going on. I pace around the kitchen moving my arm around. I think my fingers are going to die and fall off. Then I run some warm water over them. This goes on for several minutes and then they begin to get some reddish color back like the rest of my fingers. None of this was painful. I am confused since I remember if my hands get really cold and I rewarm them it kind of hurts. After the color returned though they still felt really cold but looked and felt about normal as the feeling gradually returned.

I search Google for frost bite and it didn't seem to fit the symptoms so I searched for running fingers numb white. I find this has happened to others so I start to feel a little better. It really sounds like Raynaud's Syndrome to me. I had not heard of this before, but I think that is what happened. At least I know what to expect if it happens again and maybe can do some things to prevent. Also, I now know what to do during an attack and without knowing I did some things right when it happened.

Here are a couple of the web pages I found that pretty much described what happened:

Cold Hands Warm Heart

Running to Win Forum

Symptoms and Prevention


  1. I follow your blog and I blogged about this same thing last Saturday!

  2. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I was searching the web for information on Raynaud's and running and found your post. I think this is my problem too. I've seen a neurologist who said I have carpel tunnel syndrome but that didn't make sense to me. Why when I'm running and not in my sleep like most patients? I run 30-40 miles a week and my hands have been going numb around mile 5, usually when I go up a tough hill. I have neuropathy from chemotherapy and though it was related to that but it felt different than the tingling I've gotten used to. I usually run at night so I have never noticed my fingers changing colors or this would have clicked long ago. After a daytime run yesterday I looked at my hands and they were blue but they weren't more numb than usual. It suddenly clicked. Stress is a know trigger for Raynaud's and running up a hill after 40 mins of running could be stressful. Running 19 miles certainly is. I will continue surfing to see what else I can find. Thanks for your story, I feel better now!

  3. Anonymous3:35 AM

    I have Raynauds and although the symptoms sound similar, Raynauds happens repeatedly, and when you heat up your extremedies, it does hurt, usually a lot. You should talk to your doctor.

  4. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I've had Raynauds for the last 4 years. I am a runner and do weight training, aerobics etc... It got to the point that every time I did any kind of excercise it would at least 20 mintues to get the blood and circulation back in my fingers. It would affect my fingers down to the second digit. A friend told me about NeuroModulation Technique (NMT). I went through 6 sessions and my symptoms were under control for the last 2 years. I could see it wearing off in the last month so I'm going back for more sessions. I've done 2 and am feeling much better. With the winter setting in I will continue for another 3 or 4 sessions. The cold weather seems to affect it also. This technique is hard to explain in a blog. Your family physician will not of heard about it. Google this technique so you can read about it. It's awesome. I hope you all try it.

  5. Anonymous1:16 PM

    The same thing has recently started happening to me. I have been training for the Tough Mudder race and the first time I noticed it was after a 7 mile run after which I jumped in the freezing cold ocean so I thought it had something to do with that, but after I did an 8.4 mile hill intensive run I noticed my fingers were numb and white for a quite a while about 30 minutes after the run

  6. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I have Raynaud's - 20% of women do! - and this is run of the mill and nothing to worry about. It's a temperature change rather than just the cold that causes it so try not to get too cold indoors before you run, keep warm whilst running and have a shower and get dressed straight away after.

  7. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Mild Raynauld's is nothing serious - just wear gloves - but I would talk to your doctor if its comeon suddenly as it can be a symptom of something serious like rheumatoid arthritis or scleroderma (rare). I left mine untreated for years and it got so bad I'm now on calcium channel blockers for life and have been advised not to run so much.

  8. This is so interesting. I really did not even know this existed. Thanks for all the great information on this.

  9. Thank you to tell us so much useful information. So nice sharing. I’m glad to read it.

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