Saturday, June 07, 2008

6/2/08 - 6/8/08

This was a better week of running than last week. About the same mileage as last week, but felt easier since the calf is much stronger. I'm getting an extra weight training session too. I always get up early to run on Tuesday and Thursday morning but had been sleeping in until 6 am on M/W/F. It seems easier to get up early on the other week days so I've been doing weight training in on M/W/F mornings. This seems to be working out quite well and I don't feel as tired as when I was getting up at 4:30 am T/Th and 6 am on M/W/Fr.

Date: 6/2/2008 5:25 AM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Brad Wadlow's High Intensity Training - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Duration: 36:00
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 9/10
Notes: Decline Bench Press-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (120 - 12/10)
Flat Barbell Bench Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (110 - 6/6/4)
Incline Dumbbell Press-2-2 rep tempo 1 sets of 20 reps (50 - 17)
Barbell Overhead Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (72.5 - 5/5/6)
Dumbbell Side Raises-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (22.5 - 14/14)
Bent Over Dumbbell Side Raises-2-2 rep tempo 1 sets of 20 reps (50 - 20)
Pull-ups - 4 types (7/5/6/4)
Dips (13/9/7)
PT Exercises/Stretches

Date: 6/3/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Easy
Course: Dave's Devil Run - A+ Route
Distance: 8 miles
Duration: 59:36
Pace: 7:27 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 7/10
Weather: 72° F, Overcast, Windy
Notes: I felt like I would need to warm up to the run today. Ran with Dan and started out at warm up pace which seemed a little faster than usual. We then picked up the pace at 1 mile. It felt difficult to run 7:30 even on the trail and little wind. When we turned south onto Providence everyone else that was running with us went ahead. At this point we were running into a strong wind so I think that is why the effort seemed harder than usual. The wind was from the SW so even when we turned onto Nifong we were still fighting it. I almost felt like walking. Dan wasn't feeling like pushing it either which was fine with me. Phil ended up following the same course that we did, but he was just ahead of us and we never quite caught up to him. It was good to get out and run but I didn't enjoy the wind.

m1 - 8:47
m2 - 7:30
m3 - 7:22
m4 - 7:05
m5 - 7:19
m6 - 7:19
m7 - 7:19
m8 - 6:53

Date: 6/3/2008 5:10 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Grinder Loop
Distance: 4.5 miles
Duration: 35:17
Pace: 7:51 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 5/10
Weather: 88° F, Overcast, Windy, Humid
Notes: Ran after work with Dan, Sam, and Hugh. Legs felt tired on this run kind of like this morning. Sam led the way today ahead of us once we got to the trail. Eventually, we caught picked up the pace and caught up to him near the end of our run but it wasn't easy. I think this was the hottest run of the year so far and it felt great.

Hugh had a headache and said he ran it off, but it came back later.

m1 - 8:37
m2 - 7:38 (this was down the hill (wall) towards Providence)
m3 - 7:47
m4 - 7;47
0.5 - 3:27

Date: 6/4/2008 5:10 AM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Brad Wadlow's High Intensity Interval Training - Back/Biceps/Abs
Duration: 40:00
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 9/10
Notes: Reverse Grip Barbell Row-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (150 - 6/6/6)
Dumbbell Row-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (50 - 12/11)
Deadlifts-2-2 rep tempo 1 sets of 20 reps (125 - 20)
Standing Barbell Curls-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (70 - 6/6/5)
Incline Dumbbell Curls-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (35 - 12/11)
Stability Ball Crunch (50lb - 50/40 alt/40)
PT Exercises/Stretches

Date: 6/4/2008 5:20 PM
Type: Interval
Course: Newman Intervals
Distance: 8.12 miles
Duration: 59:30
Pace: 7:20 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 9/10
Weather: 86° F, Sunny, Humid
Notes: Met with Hugh and Dan to run tonight. Dan and I did a mile interval workout. I think this is the first time I have run mile intervals since Jan 2005 when training for my second marathon. Back then I was able to meet the 6:15 goal on the treadmill, but could not come close when I did them outside. I was usually between 6:30 and 6:50 and some days slower so had to readjust my goal back then to 6:45.

I started out way too fast on the first interval. It was faster than 5K pace at first so I slowed it down and still finished under goal. This fast pace probably hurt me a little on the rest but still not too bad considering the heat. I am happy only being off my goal 10 seconds or less for each. I didn't enjoy these 3 years ago doing them alone, but it is a lot easier to do them with someone. I did get a few seconds more recovery than Dan and we both ran them hard. Awesome workout!

Date: 6/5/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Tempo
Course: Rock Quarry - A Route
Distance: 8.13 miles
Duration: 57:14
Pace: 7:03 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 8/10
Weather: 75° F, Humid, Partly Cloudy
Notes: Started out running in the front and once we turned off onto the trail spur that goes downhill a little picked up the pace with Destiny before getting to the first mile. Eventually, found myself running with Matt, Mark, and Steve - 3 guys that are too fast for me to run with. I got behind them and stayed with them until a little after turning around after the mulch pile. Then they eventually pulled ahead but were in my sights the rest of the way.

I struggled a little in mile 6 to keep the pace thinking about needing to use the bathroom, but picked up the pace again. Near the end I looked back for Dan and Phil. I couldn't really see but figured they were close behind. At the trail head I turned around and Phil was there and Dan not far behind. We ran out a little further and then were done. This was yet another really good run like last night.

m1 - 7:47
m2 - 6:54
m3 - 6:57
m4 - 6:40
m5 - 6:40
m6 - 7:19
m7 - 6:54
m8 - 7:05
0.13 - 0:58

Date: 6/6/2008 5:15 AM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Brad Wadlow's High Intensity Training - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Duration: 35:00
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 9/10
Notes: Decline Bench Press-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (120 - 12/10)
Flat Barbell Bench Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (110 - 6/6/5)
Incline Dumbbell Press-2-2 rep tempo 1 sets of 20 reps (50 - 18)
Barbell Overhead Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (65 - 6/5/4)
Dumbbell Side Raises-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (25 - 12/11)
Bent Over Dumbbell Side Raises-2-2 rep tempo 1 sets of 20 reps (50 - 20)
Pull-ups - 4 types (6/7/5/6)
Dips (12/10/8)
PT Exercises/Stretches

Date: 6/6/2008 7:10 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Dog Run
Distance: 4 miles
Duration: 36:44
Pace: 9:11 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 1/10
Weather: 79° F, Sunny, Humid
Notes: Ran with Hugh, Bruno, and Rusty. Dogs pretty fast on the way out but slowed up on the way home. Bruno was pretty hot and plopped onto the floor in a puddle of drool when he came into the house. GPS died after 2 miles.

Date: 6/7/2008 5:35 AM
Type: Long
Course: Miscellaneous Route
Distance: 16 miles
Duration: 2:08:09
Pace: 8:01 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 7/10
Weather: 76° F, Sunny, Humid
Notes: Met with the Lunatics and ran with Dan and Destiny the entire way. Hugh and Phil ran part of the way with us. We ran a modified course so Dan could be closer to his car and also to make the run a little shorter than the 18 miles. I felt sluggish almost this entire run. I'm not sure if the heat or if I am still wiped out from Wed. and Thur. intense runs. This course also had some pretty long hills. I guess good HOA training. We did pick up the pace the last few miles so I think mostly it was just a matter of motivation for me.

m1 - 8:48...........m9 - 7:40
m2 - 8:16.........m10 - 7:58
m3 - 8:16.........m11 - 8:05
m4 - 8:23.........m12 - 7:44
m5 - 8:34.........m13 - 7:37
m6 - 8:09.........m14 - 7:28
m7 - 8:27.........m15 - 7:23
m8 - 8:11.........m16 - 6:57

Date: 6/7/2008 6:15 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Rusty and Bruno's Bear Creek 5K
Distance: 3.21 miles
Duration: 28:45
Pace: 8:58 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 10/10, Effort: 1/10
Weather: 89° F, Sunny, Humid
Notes: Bruno, Rusty and I met Copper, Tanner and Dan for a doggy duathlon Bear Creek trail. We ran out about 1.5 mile and then took it easy on the way back. Bruno plopped down once but got right back up. We stopped at the creek and let the dogs get wet and a drink and then ran back to the start. Once finished we went to the leash free area and all 4 dogs headed for the pond and swam. Rusty seemed a bit hesitant to swim for awhile and then swam out almost across the pond and back. Bruno swam all the way across and back. Both looked good swimming and all dogs had great fun. This was a fun recovery run.

Date: 6/8/2008 1:25 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Clay's Fork
Distance: 6 miles
Duration: 50:05
Pace: 8:21 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 4/10
Weather: 89° F, Windy, Humid, Partly Cloudy
Notes: It was a beautiful afternoon with warm humid temps so I went for a run. Left the dogs at home since Rusty was limping today and pretty warm for dogs to be running too far. There were more dogs chasing me than cars out today. Three little dogs came after me, but I was able to outrun them. On the way out I had some wind but not on the way back. I drank almost the entire water bottle until the water became hot. This course has some hills, but I felt great just running a comfortable pace.

m1 - 8:41
m2 - 7:55
m3 - 8:45
m4 - 7:51
m5 - 8:23
m6 - 8:30

Date: 6/8/2008 5:40 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Miscellaneous Route
Distance: 2.9 miles
Duration: 21:51
Pace: 7:33 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Ascend 2 (Yellow)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 7/10
Weather: 86° F, Humid, Partly Cloudy
Notes: Hugh let me out on Rock Quarry road and I ran to Rock Bridge to meet Dan for a run. Mostly downhill and I was trying to make it there by 6 pm. Arrived 6:01.

Date: 6/8/2008 6:15 PM
Type: Trail
Course: Rock Bridge Miscellaneous
Distance: 9.3 miles
Duration: 1:22:27
Pace: 8:52 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Ascend 2 (Yellow)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 5/10
Weather: 86° F, Humid, Partly Cloudy
Notes: I didn't have my water/Nunn mix so Dan gave me a G2 to drink before our run. Sprayed down again with Deet and we were off. I tripped over a root growing out of the ground in the first mile. I sawit but was too late. No blood and only a slight abrasion on the left side of my left knee. We stopped back at the car for a drink and Hugh had arrived so I was able to get my Nunn drink. With the run early and this run, this is the first time since the calf injury that I felt like I could run the hills with no problem. It didn't bother me at all so maybe I am about healed. We continued our run and I decided that I wanted to make it 12 total so I could get 70 for the week. Hugh had just arrived back from his run. We all went to Andy's for our reward for a hard run.

Running: 70.2 - 9:18:38

Weights: 1:51 min (3 workouts)

MTD Running: 84.2 mi

YTD Running: 1361.8 mi

July 4-Parley Pratt 4 mi Freedom Run
July 12-Smokin' Chicks 5K
August 2-Great Sandbagger 10K
September 1-Heart of America Marathon
October 5-Twin Cities Marathon

1 comment:

  1. Another great week of training for you. How is the calf holding up?
