Saturday, June 07, 2008

5/26 /08 - 6/1/08 and Shikles 8K

This week didn't start out so great, but things improved throughout the week. On Wed. I was limping when walking. I ran hard on Thursday and Friday I was not limping. The calf still bothered me on the 8K I ran on Sunday but I had a decent race. It is improving all the time and I'm thankful to get a 70+ mile week.

Date: 5/26/2008 6:40 AM
Type: Hill
Course: Miscellaneous Route
Distance: 11 miles
Duration: 1:22:23
Pace: 7:30 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 6/10
Weather: 65° F, Overcast, Humid
Notes: I ran from home to the Well Aware 5K. I took Oakland Gravel Road to Paris Rd, and then Old 63 to Stephen's park. I ran a loop through the park to make it 10 miles. I wasn't close to the race start so I kept running and decided I might as well round it up to 11 miles. Just as I finished the race was ready to start so I took some pictures and watched the race.

m1 - 7:43
m2 - 7:37
m3 - 7:55
m4 - 7:26
m5 - 7:37
m6 - 7:26
m7 - 7:30
m8 - 7:40
m9 - 7:26
m10 - 6:57
m11 - 7:05

Date: 5/26/2008 8:50 AM
Type: Easy
Course: Well Aware 5K
Distance: 3 miles
Duration: 24:40
Pace: 8:14 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 5/10
Weather: 72° F, Humid, Partly Cloudy
Notes: I ran the course after the race with Dan and Hugh. My legs were tired so this wasn't as easy as I hoped. We then went back to the awards ceremony and Dan placed 3rd in 30 - 39. Then we went downtown to watch the Memorial Day parade.

I'm done running for today. My legs are saying to rest.

Date: 5/27/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Hill
Course: President's Hill - A Route
Distance: 8 miles
Duration: 59:43
Pace: 7:28 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 8/10
Weather: 64° F, Overcast, Humid
Notes: I'm not sure I was ready to run this hard, but it was a decent run. I ran the entire course with Dan. We couldn't get around people to pass until about 1.6 miles. I really don't see the need for more than a mile warm-up and not everyone needs to warm up at the same pace. That is one problem I've always had with this group. In the future, I will make sure to start in the front like I usually do so I can get around people when I feel like it.

We took a slight detour since the road we thought went to the hill was not right. There is construction in this area and things had changed since we last run the course. The first hill came easier than I expected, but I had to catch up to Dan on after some of the other hills.

I felt a rock my shoe at mile 5. Eventually, it worked it's way down and I was stepping on it with me heel most of the time. I removed it when I stopped running and it was about a 2 pea size rock. My heel dented and red and it still hurts. This was a good workout, but I was ready for this run to be over and am looking forward to a rest day.

m1 - 8:42
m2 - 7:47
m3 - 7:39
m4 - 7:19
m5 - 7:11
m6 - 7:10
m7 - 6:57
m8 - 7:00

Date: 5/27/2008 5:00 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Bear Creek Trail
Distance: 4.5 miles
Duration: 36:57
Pace: 8:13 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 3/10
Weather: 66° F, Partly Cloudy
Notes: Met at the Bear Creek Trail to run with Dan, Hugh, and Sam. We ran out from Garth Blvd to the base of the big hill and back. Hugh turned around sooner but I think ran farther. My legs are so ready for a day of rest.

m1 - 8:39
m2 - 8:05
m3 - 7:47
m4 - 8:23
0.5 - 4:01

Date: 5/28/2008 5:20 AM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Weights, upper bulk #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), PT, & Wobble
Duration: 42:00
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 9/10
Notes: I was able to get 1 - 2 reps more on most sets over the last time I did this workout. Also, was able to do a few of the PT exercises. Calf is getting stronger but still not 100%.

Decline Bench Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Flat Barbell Bench Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Incline Dumbbell Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Dumbell Overhead Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Dumbbell Side Raises-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Bent Over Dumbbell Side Raises-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Pull-ups (4 sets)
Dips (3 sets)

Date: 5/29/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Tempo
Course: MKT West Bridge - A Route
Distance: 8 miles
Duration: 56:13
Pace: 7:02 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 8/10
Weather: 55° F, Sunny
Notes: I wasn't sure how hard I would be able to run today, but since on the MKT I decided to try since no major hills. I ran with Dan and we got started a few seconds before everyone so we warmed up at our own pace.

I could have pushed harder but calf felt tight and I felt that I had to slow down during mile 6, but was able to speed back up. This turned out to be a really good tempo run for both of us on a nice cool morning. No one caught up to us either.

Taking our warm up mile out, we ran 7 miles at a 6:53 pace

m1 - 8:02
m2 - 7:03
m3 - 7:02
m4 - 6:53
m5 - 6:44
m6 - 6:58
m7 - 6:47
m8 - 6:39

Date: 5/29/2008 5:00 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Jeff Shikles 8K
Distance: 5 miles
Duration: 38:03
Pace: 7:37 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 4/10
Weather: 80° F, Sunny
Notes: Met at Gentry to run the Shikles course with Dan S., Dan H., Sam, and Hugh. Dan H. and Hugh ran the course together and the rest of us ran together. Dan led the way and set the pace. It was quite evident that he wanted to run sub-8s. I wasn't sure I could keep up, but no problem even with the hills although they were a bit harder than usual. Sam did a great job staying with us at this faster pace and we all ran great considering the heat. This turned out to be a really good run and was nice to get out and do the race course before Sunday.

My calf felt better than it did Tuesday evening. I wasn't sure how I would be after running hard this morning. Both of them hurt, but not in a bad way. The right one just burns and the left kind of feels some tightness. I will just be glad when everything feels normal again since I'm feeling like these runs are taking a little more effort they they should. Normally, I don't feel my legs so much. Other muscles are hurting in my legs that don't normally hurt and I think it is because I am walking and running a little differently than before I hurt the calf. I'm just amazed that I have some speed even with all of this going on.

m1 - 8:20
m2 - 7:40
m3 - 7:12
m4 - 7:30
m5 - 7:21

Date: 5/30/2008 5:10 AM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Weights, upper bulk #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble
Duration: 42:00
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 9/10
Notes: I was able to do a few more of the calf raises on my PT exercises. It is getting stronger.

Reverse Grip Barbell Row-2-4 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Dumbbell Row-2-4 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Deadlifts-2-4 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Standing Dumbell Curls-2-4 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Incline Dumbbell Curls-2-42 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Weighted Stability Ball Crunch-4-2 rep tempo 50 reps, alternating - 40 reps, no weight - 40 reps

Date: 5/30/2008 6:15 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Dog Run
Distance: 4 miles
Duration: 37:03
Pace: 9:16 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Rider
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 1/10
Weather: 78° F, Overcast
Notes: Ran with Hugh, Rusty, and Bruno. GPS battery died and lost signal during the run. Threatened to rain but didn't. Dogs were pretty hot by the end of the run.

Date: 5/31/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Long
Course: West End
Distance: 14 miles
Duration: 1:52:22
Pace: 8:02 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 5/10
Weather: 70° F, Sunny, Humid
Notes: About 12 people total showed up for the run today. Ran a new Lunatics course with Dan, Destiny and Sam (ran with us 4 miles since he was running 10). It was foggy and humid and temperature felt great. This course had some new roads that I've never been on before. I almost directed us the wrong way once but we quickly figured it out. Dan and I took a little detour around the trail and went down Forum while Destiny took the trail and used the bathroom. Then we met back up with her on course went through Flat Branch Park, down Broadway, and to the finish on 9th. Calf really didn't give me any problems and I wasn't thinking about it every step of the way for a nice change. This was a good run and the pace did not feel hard at all. We tried to keep it reasonable since the Shikles is tomorrow.

m1 - 8:37 m8 - 8:07
m2 - 8:24 m9 - 7:51
m3 - 8:04 m10- 8:07
m4 - 7:54 m11- 8:19
m5 - 7:48 m12- 8:03
m6 - 7:32 m13- 7:48
m7 - 8:01 m14- 7:35

Date: 6/1/2008 7:15 AM
Type: Easy
Course: Jeff Shikles 8K
Distance: 2.1 miles
Duration: 17:34
Pace: 8:22 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 3/10
Weather: Sunny, Humid
Notes: Warmed up on part of the Shikles course with Dan and Hugh. Starting out did not feel very energetic, but second mile felt a little better.

Date: 6/1/2008 8:00 AM
Type: Race
Course: Jeff Shikles 8K
Distance: 8 kilometers
Duration: 32:11
Pace: 6:29 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 7/10
Field Placement: 4 / 68 (5.9%)
Age group: 35 – 39
Group Placement: 3
Gender Placement: 4
Weather: Sunny, Humid
Notes: They had us line up for the race 10 minutes early and got to talk to Melanie for a few minutes. Darrin was running with a friend in his first race. I thought this race was going to be pretty predictable since I didn't see any fast people other Bill, Dan, and one other guy in front. Started out in the front with them and stayed with Dan for a few seconds and then decided to speed ahead. I was in second place and didn't even try to catch up to the leader since he is too fast for me. My calf had felt pretty good yesterday and didn't notice it too much running at our 8 min pace. However, at the 6:30 pace, I felt it in the first mile. I decided that I would not push the pace any faster. It didn't really hurt but felt tight and less strength going up hills.

I heard a guy behind me in mile 2 but didn't look back. I thought it might be Dan but it was a 20 yr old. I didn't even try to stay with him. At mile 3 I took water, drank a little, dumped the rest down my back since it was getting hot, and took an Accel. I did slow down to do all of this and at this point Dan caught me. I ran with him for a short while until the hill up to South Hampton. I thought about trying to catch up on the down hill, but he was running a good pace so let him go. I figured he'd catch me on the hill at the end if I passed him since I wasn't running hills very well.

Ended up running 32:11 which is 36 seconds slower than last year, but placed 4th overall and 3rd in age group. I think this course is a little short but it is the same every year. Dan placed 2nd in our age group and beat me by about 15 seconds. Hugh was second in his age group and Melanie was 2nd overall female and 1st in her age group. Hugh ran about 1:30 faster than last year.

Kevin, in Hugh's age group placed first but passed out at the finish line like he did last year at Parley Pratt. He turned out to be okay by the awards ceremony, but gave everyone a scare.

This was not the greatest race for me, but placed decent even though I could not get a course PR this year. Considering how I felt earlier this week and was limping on Wed, I was lucky that I could run it at all. I guess my calf just wasn't ready to run fast yet and I wasn't willing to push it since it didn't quite feel right.

m1 - 6:26
m2 - 6:32
m3 - 6:43
m4 - 6:50
0.87 - 5:38

Date: 6/1/2008 1:10 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Random Route
Distance: 7 miles
Duration: 56:21
Pace: 8:03 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 3/10
Weather: 83° F, Humid, Partly Cloudy
Notes: Ran recovery run with Dan on campus, trails, and neighborhood off the trail. We stopped twice for water since it was pretty hot and humid. This pace felt great for a recovery run and didn't bother the calf too much. The pace picked up a bit on the shady trail. The hill in the neighborhood off the trail was tough for me which again proves I'm not running too strong on hills yet. This was a very enjoyable and needed run to break up my long day.

m1 - 8:49
m2 - 8:09
m3 - 7:54
m4 - 7:42
m5 - 7:40
m6 - 7:58
m7 - 7:12 (I don't think this mile is right)
.1 - 0:55 (Dan had 7.0 on his GPS)

Running: 71.6 - 9:13:30

Weights: 1:24 min (2 workouts)

MTD Running May: 246.1 mi

YTD Running: 1291.6 mi

July 4-Parley Pratt 4 mi Freedom Run
July 12-Smokin' Chicks 5K
August 2-Great Sandbagger 10K
September 1-Heart of America Marathon
October 5-Twin Cities Marathon

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