Sunday, December 09, 2007

12/3 - 12/9 & Cheese and Sauerkraut 10 miler

Mon- Rest

Tues- Dave’s Devil Run, 6.6 mi, 47:22, 7:11/mi

Evening: Weights, upper bulk #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), PT, & Wobble, 58 min

Wed- Rest

Thurs- Rock Quarry, 7.8 mi, 1:02:52, 8:04/mi

Fri- Rest

Sat- Cheese and Sauerkraut 10 miler
This is a prediction race where the closest predictor wins cheese and the worst wins sauerkraut. Also, the race is run without watches. Woke up to rain, but it wasn’t quite freezing on the roads. Conditions were definitely better than the previous year when we had to run on treacherous snow on the trail portion. This year it was cold and windy, and drizzling. We took hot chocolate and sauerkraut brownies for everyone after the race.

I didn’t plan to break any records this year and predicted 1:12:30, which was a bit slower than my 1:07:17 PR in 2005. Phil predicted 1:10:00 and Tom predicted 1:09:30. Hugh predicted 1:25:00. Phil thought my prediction was a little slow but told him I would try to stay with him. I’ve been feeling sluggish lately and was thinking 7:15 miles sounded more reasonable.

We took off at what felt like a slow pace, but were ahead of everyone. After a couple miles the pace started to feel a little harder and we were heading into the wind for awhile. Then we had to go out and back on a portion of the road and back onto the trail to the start. They told us our time for the first loop was 33:26 which I am thinking is good, but didn’t know if I could keep up this pace.

I managed to stay with Phil until right before 8 miles, he started to pull ahead and Tom passed me. I could see them both ahead of me until the end but Tom did not pass Phil. My finishing time was 1:06:46 which is a new 10 mile PR for me by 31 seconds. Pace was 6:41/mi. All 3 of us had negative splits. Hugh finished in 1:17:46, a 3 min PR for him. We ran 2 more miles before everyone finished.

I was not the closest or worst predictor. In addition to hot chocolate and brownies, there was string cheese and Rueben sandwiches for all the runners. Just as we were getting ready to leave it started to rain harder so decided not to run anymore on Saturday.

Sun- Oakland Church Loop & dogs, 14 mi, 2:15:00, 9:39/mi
After ice/snow storm last night we made it out in the afternoon for a 4 mile dog run and then 10 more miles on mostly snow packed roads.

A bit of a cut back week for me with 3 days off and only 1 weight workout. I don’t really have a plan right now and will continue without a plan for a few more weeks.

Running: 40.4 mi

Weights: 58 min

YTD Running: 2419.7

December 31-First Night 5K

April 21-Boston Marathon


  1. Sauerkraut brownies? Hmmmm...sounds interesting.

    Congrats on the PR on what sounds like a nasty day to run!

  2. way to "not plan" andy! it's nice once-in-a-while huh?

    i was thinking about doing the kraut and cheeser run, but decided otherwise.

    see ya on the trails!

  3. Just got a chance to read this. Big congrats on the PR...not great conditions and still a fantastic run. Guess the legs were feeling better!!
