Sunday, December 02, 2007

11/26 - 12/2 & Jingle Bell 5K

Monday, November 26

No workouts.

Tuesday, November 27

RUNNING (Hugh's Hulen Hills at 05:30 am). 7 miles. Time: 50:27 (7:12/mile).
Training run.
Shoes: Mizuno Wave Alchemy2 (85.1 miles)
NOTES: Run felt pretty good until the BIG hill and I couldn't keep up with all of my group.
WEIGHT LIFTING at 7:45 pm. Time: 57:00
Upper Lean 1.
NOTES: (chest, shoulders, triceps), PT, & Wobble; Another really good weight workout.

Wednesday, November 28

RUNNING (Home to Campus at 3:45 pm). 10.10 miles. Time: 1:27:38 (8:40/mile).
Training run.
Shoes: Mizuno Wave Alchemy2 (95.2 miles)

Thursday, November 29

RUNNING (Mizzou Victory Run ). 6.60 miles. Time: 53:09 (8:03/mile).
Training run.
Shoes: Brooks Beast (26.7 miles)
NOTES: This run took us past several MU icons to celebrate the victory over Kansas and hope for a victory over OK.

Friday, November 30

No workouts.

Saturday, December 1

Temp: 34
RUNNING (Jingle Bell 5K ). 3.10 miles. Time: 20:15 (6:31/mile).
Shoes: Mizuno Wave Alchemy2 (98.3 miles)
NOTES: This year we ran a new course that is a 5K certified course. I didn't feel it was going to be a great run for me. My legs didn't feel recovered from Wed 10 miler and still not feeling recovered from the Tues weight workout. It was raining and windy and I opted to wear shorts. For the first mile my legs felt almost numb and was running into the wind. I tried to stay with Darrin and Phil as long as possible, but had to let them go at about 1/2 mi. I knew I was really in trouble when Clint passed me before the end of the first mile, but I stayed close behind. My mile split was 6:30 which is more like my 10K pace.

I was passed by another runner shortly after the 1st mile. My second mile seemed to go pretty fast with a split of 6:18. Up the slight hill on 9th St in the 3rd mile I was gaining on Clint, but not close enough to pass. Once we turned onto 9th st right before the end of the 3rd mile, I decided to make my move and passed him. My last 0.1 was 51 sec for a total of 20:15, my slowest 5K time this year. I was soaked by the finish.

I placed 2nd of 9 runners in the 35-39 age group and 10th overall of 177 finishers. Hugh was 3rd in his age group and 20th overall in the 50-55 age group.
RUNNING (MKT at 10:15 am). 10 miles. Time: 1:27:45 (8:46/mile).

Shoes: Mizuno Wave Alchemy2 (108.3 miles)
NOTES: After the awards ceremony, it stopped raining. We headed to the MKT for a 10 miler and kept a very consistent pace. Ran negative split for the second half.
WEIGHT LIFTING at 7:30 pm. Time: 52:00
Upper Lean 2.

Sunday, December 2

RUNNING (Rockbridge State Park at 07:30 am). 13.80 miles. Time: 2:23:53 (10:25/mile).
Training run.
Shoes: Mizuno Wave Ascend (trail) (18.8 miles)
NOTES: Temp started out at 60F. I was just getting ready to start my run and Jeff W. showed up, and then Andy P. They were starting 1/2 hr earlier than the normal time so we took off for a short loop on the Devil's Ice Box side. When we got back to our cars, we picked up Mike D. and dog Riley. It was hot so Andy and me removed our shirt and Jeff put on a short sleeve. We ran over on the Gans Creek side. Mike D. departed us and we continued to run.

It started to thunder and then rain. We were several miles from our cars but were heading back for more water. Then it poured and Jeff set a faster pace. We were running like crazy with the leaves getting slushy and the dirt parts getting slicker. Somehow we all managed to stay on our feet.

By the time we got back to our cars, the rain had slowed so we took another short loop on the Devil's Ice box side splashing through the water and finished about 10 am. Shoes were thoroughly soaked.
Totals through the displayed week
Running: 50.6 miles
Time: 7h 23m 07s
Avg. Pace: 8:45/mile
Weight Lifting:
Time: 1h 49m 00s
Running: 180.7 miles
Weight Lifting:
Time: 6h 02m 00s
Running: 2379.3 miles
Weight Lifting:
Time: 54h 32m 00s

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't the weather crazy on Sunday!? I got caught in the downpour too, it went from humid and warm to cold and miserable in moments!
