Sunday, August 12, 2007

Training 8/6 - 8/12

Mon-Evening: Weights, upper bulk #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), 56 min

Tues- Hugh’s Hulen Hills, 7 mi, 55:22, 7:55/mi
New Tu/Th group course that Hugh designed. I took it pretty easy since still sore from Sunday. The last major hill was some sort of cruel joke. The grade of the hill was very steep.

Wed- 3.25, 21:42, 6:41/mi
Track workout, 1 mi warmup, 7:22, 4-100s, 23, 27, 25, 24; 2-300s - 54, 55; 6-200s, 36, 37, 39, 38, 36, 37; 1-400, 1:13; 1200 m cool down, 5:49
Good workout in the heat. Felt strong on the last 400 staying with Ted.

Thurs- MKT Bridge - 1/2 mi Intervals, 7.8 mi, 0:56:29, 7:14/mi
Completed 5 intervals after warming up for 2 miles. Ran with Scott and his recoveries were faster than I usually run them but I seemed to be pushing him pretty hard on the intervals.

Evening: Weights, upper bulk #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble, 57 min

Fri- Rest

Sat-Long Run Lunatics, Tayside 22, 2:58:30, 8:07/mi
We started at 5:30 am in the dark. Felt very relaxed on this run. Temp and humidity were not awful. Picked up the pace the last 5 miles or so ran 7-somethings with Phil. Felt really good after this run.

Sun- HOA Course/Rockbridge State Park, 24 mi, 4:09:49, 10:25/mi
Woke up feeling good and ready to run. I started at 5:30 am and ran an 8-something pace for the first 2 miles and then encountered 3 other runners on the course so I stayed with them running their pace. Stayed well hydrated thanks to James planting water on the HOA course. Also, was starving at 16 mi and Lisa had food for us so ate a banana which is exactly what I had been craving. She joined in running for the first time in several weeks due to a motorcycle injury. I ran the entire 17 mile loop and then went 7 more miles on the trails of the park.

Running: 64 mi (highest mileage week this year)

Weights: 113 min

YTD Running: 1716.1

September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon
September 22nd-Hocking Hills Indian Run – 60K
October 13th-Baltimore Marathon

1 comment:

  1. Andy, You have officially surpassed me in total mileage run for the year!
    Nice job on the back-to-back long runs, you are no doubt ready for Heart of America.
