Monday, August 06, 2007

Training 7/30 - 8/4 and Sandbagger 10K

Mon- Rest

Tues- Jaira's Jaunt, 7.1 mi, 52:32, 7:24/mi

Evening: Weights, upper lean #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), 61 min

Wed- 3.75 mi, 24:56, 6:39/mi
Track Workout 1 mi, 7:56 warmup, 4-100 m strides, 2:01- 5:36/mi pace; 2:05 -5:23/mi pace; 1:36-5:20/mi pace; 1:32-5:30/mi pace; 3-300s-1:03, 1:09, 1:10, 800 m cool down, 3:55

Thurs- Rock Quarry, 7.8 mi, 1:04:26, 8:16/mi

Evening: Weights, upper lean #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble, 56 min

Fri- Rest (extremely tired due to lack of sleep)

Sat-The Great Sandbagger 10K
This is a race where you predict your time. You can “win” this race by grossly overestimating how long it will take to run the 10K. Since we stagger the start times from the slowest predicted time to the fastest, usually the person with the largest positive difference between the predicted time and the actual time (lying) wins the race. Theoretically, if everyone told the absolute truth about how fast they planned to run the race, everyone would cross the finish line together, but that never happens.

There were 21 runners that participated. The course is an out and back and quite hilly. I always try to predict my time accurately since I don’t want to win the trophy. This year I predicted to run it in 42:15 since legs were feeling fatigued, it was already 80F and humid, and I wasn't feeling that great. It's always a guess and figured on a good day I could run 41:30, but wasn't feeling it on Saturday. Phil also predicted 42:15 so we could push each other and we usually finish races within a few seconds of each other. We started last since we predicted the fastest time. We had to wait about 30 minutes from when the first person started.

We can't wear watches so I really don't have a good sense of pace, but the first half didn't feel good. I ran right next to Phil for probably the first 2 miles and then pulled a little ahead and started to pass people before the turn around point. Then I started feeling better. Last year I only passed 2 runners on the course starting last so didn't really expect to pass many people. I guess I was sandbagging a little (although unexpected) when I predicted my time since ended up passing 15 runners, placing 5th out of 20 and actual time was 40:54, 1:21 faster than my predicted time. I was the fastest finisher too and my fastest time on this course by 36 seconds when I ran 41:30 in 2004. This was also the second fastest 10K I have run. Results are posted here

Post Race: 10 miles, 1:28:11, 8:49/mi

Sun- Rock Bridge State Park, 19.5 mi, 3:34:40, 11:01/mi
Alarm went off and really wanted to go back to bed. Arrived at the park at 6 am and Jeff arrived a few seconds later. We ran about an 8 mile loop on the Devil's Ice Box side and then ran a 7.5 loop on the Gans Creek side and then another 4 mile loop on the Devil's Ice Box side. Legs felt tired the entire run. Even though I sprayed myself twice with bug spray, my feet were attacked by tiny ticks and a few bites on the buttocks as well. These were the 2 areas that I didn't spray bug spray on the skin. My feet are pretty chewed up right now.

On the loop on the Gans Creek side I tripped on something, went forward and next thing I know, I'm almost hugging a tree. I had put my hands out and caught myself with both hands on a big tree. It was with such force, I was glad it wasn't my head. I was fine and nothing hurt.

Running: 54.3 mi

Weights: 117 min

YTD Running: 1652

September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon
September 22nd-Hocking Hills Indian Run – 60K
October 13th-Baltimore Marathon

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