Monday, April 30, 2007

Training 4/23 - 4/29

Mon - Boatman Hill Rd/Oakland Rd, 8 mi, 1:10:48, 8:51/mi

Tues - Tripp 10K, 6.2 mi, 44:20, 7:09/mi

Wed- Rest

Thurs- 3 Diner Run (new course) – 7.9 mi, 58:41, 7:26/mi

Fri- Intended to run 4 miles, but mowed the yard. After mowing starting raining and too tired to run.

Sat- MKT - 10 mi, 1:22:53, 8:17/mi

Sun- Rock Bridge State Park, 24.1 mi, 4:02:28, 10:04/mi

I was up until 1 am Sat night so didn't get up early to do my run. We got up around 11 am and Hugh decided to go with me and run at the park too. We started around 1 pm and the temp was 80 F. The loop that I planned to do 3 times is 8 miles. I always stop by the car and get a drink after each loop. I ran the first loop at about 1:15 including stopping for a drink.

The second loop went pretty well, but I noticed that I was slowing down and really thirsty. It had been only 2 miles since I had drank 20 oz. There's no water on this course until about 1 mi before I get back to the car. I stopped and got a drink even though it was only 1 mile and I really needed it. The second 8 miles I ran in about 1:20 with the 2 water stops.

I was feeling pretty fatigued starting the 3rd loop and again, very thirsty before I had even run 2 miles. My mouth felt very dry and my pace slowed and felt like I had no energy. I did manage to run up the hills rather than walk. I got a drink again about 1 mile before the car and finished the final loop in 1:27. It was 86F when I finished and I felt extremely tired like I wanted to crawl into bed and go to sleep. Hugh ran for about 2 hours and walked for 1 hour. I weighed myself when I got home and was down 6 lbs so I guess that explains why I felt so bad. I drank and drank and then felt like eating and felt a little more coherent.

Considering the temps and lack of water, I think the run went as well as can be expected. I'm looking forward to starting the taper this week.

Running: 56.2 mi

Weight-lifting: none

YTD Running: 948.5

May 12th-Joe Marks 5 mile Human Race
May 19th-Berryman Trail Marathon
September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon


  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Nothing wrong for looking foward to a taper!!!

  2. Enjoy the taper and make sure you get plenty of rest.
