Sunday, April 22, 2007

Training 4/16 - 4/22

Mon- Doe Brook with Dogs, 3.1 mi, 31:58, 10:19/mi

Tues- Dreier Dirty Dozen (hilly), 9.2 mi, 1:07:32, 7:20/mi
Very happy with this pace with tired legs. Phil and Tom helped with the pace.

Wed- Rest

Thurs- MU Rec Trail to Mulch Pile – 7.8 mi, 55:42, 7:08/mi
Pace includes warm-up; running sub 7s on the way back chasing James.

Fri- Boatman Hill, Clay's Fork, 10 mi, 1:29:31; 8:57/mi
I decided to go ahead and run 10 mi Fri evening after dinner since I wasn’t sure if I would have time on Sat. The run started out at sub 8:30 pace, but went downhill after the first half. I was feeling nauseous and my lower lip had a strange sensation and I had the feeling it was swollen. Got home and it was swollen and stayed that way the rest of the evening. It was fine on Sat morning.

Sat- 3.1 mi
After volunteering to work the duathlon in the morning, we marked the 5K course for the Show Me Stampede in the evening. This was really mostly walked and I didn’t mange to find time for a run.

Sun- Rock Bridge State Park, 18 mi, 2:48:46, 9:23/mi
Since I didn’t run on Sat, I decided to run 18 instead of 16 miles today. I woke up about 5:45 AM and felt awake so I decided to go ahead and run. I arrived at the trail and started at 6:30 am. There was no one else in the park. Legs felt tired so thought I would just take it easy and not push it. I ran the first 10 miles in about 1:32 and then ran into 2 other runners that I know, Andy and Tony. I was a bit surprised to see Andy since I had just attended his wedding the night before in the same park. They decided to run the last 8 with me. I led the way and with them behind me, I naturally picked up the pace. I had to slow it down again later since I don't think Andy felt like running that fast today. Overall, my pace was 9 seconds faster than last week and I didn’t feel like I was pushing as hard this week.

Afternoon: Upper body weights, 38 min

Evening: Biked the Brown Station and Duathlon Course, 21.9 mi, 3:56/mi, 15.1 mph
I was still feeling good and inspired from watching the 100s of bikes pass me when I worked one of the intersections as the duathlon. I decided to finally get on the bike for the first time this year. The first half of the ride was right into the wind and my pace suffered, but didn’t really didn’t have high expectations. The second half I was able to gain with the wind behind me more.

I had a near miss with a car in the second half. A Domino’s Pizza driver in a silver car turned left in front of me from N. Oakland onto 63 S before the fairgrounds. I reacted quickly and hit the rear brake and somehow skidded my front wheel to the left so I was at an angle and parallel to the car as the driver was turning, missing the car by inches. I managed to stay on the bike and upright. I called the NE store and the manager confirmed there was a driver in that area at that time that fit the description. He said he would check it out. I was wearing a red shirt and there is no way he could have not seen me. A witness in a yellow jeep was sitting on the ramp when it happened and said “really fancy maneuvering” when he drove past me. I felt very lucky.

Running: 51.2 mi

Cycling: 21.9 mi

Weight-lifting: 38 min

YTD Running: 892.3

May 19th-Berryman Trail Marathon
September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon


  1. Hmm, flat tires might work!

    Great week again. I am sure you will kick arse at the Berryman.

  2. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Another great week! you have a great WO plan. Also I have a new blog at so be sure to visit
