Sunday, February 11, 2007

Training 2/5 - 2/11

Mon- Treadmill, 6 mi, 57:42, 9:37/mi
Very tired legs.

Tues- Ice Run, 6.2 mi, 44:59, 7:15/mi

Evening: Treadmill, 4 mi, 34:40, 8:40/mi
Forgot to do weights, but was too tired anyway.

Wed- Rest

Thurs- Rain Run – West Blvd, 7.6 mi, 55:44, 7:20/mi

Evening: Upper body weights, 44 min
Treadmill, 4 mi, 35:45, 8:56/mi

Fri- Oakland Rd 5.5 mi, 49:25, 8:59/mi
At the 2 mile point, I ran six 200 m hill repeats where I sprinted up the hill. HR only got up to 155. I need a longer hill to test MHR.

Sat- Column’s Run, 10 mi, 1:25:51, 8:35/mi

Sun- Upper body weights, 40 min

I waited until the afternoon to run since not enough time in morning. Calves were sore. Most likely the hill repeats from Friday. I really need to make sure I do those every week until I taper.

Prathersville + Derby Ridge, 20.5 mi, 2:51:15, 8:21/mi
Pace faster than last week, but legs felt sore. I was slow on the hills.

Running: 63.8 mi

Weight-lifting: 84 min

YTD Running: 341.2 mi

March 17th-St. Patrick’s Day 5K
April 1st-Hogeye Marathon
May 19th-Berryman Trail Marathon
September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon


  1. hmm, only 63 miles? LOL

    Great training week. I just can't get above mid to upper 40's but then I am only training for weenie races.

  2. Anonymous12:43 AM

    I cant wait ti be able to say I ran 63 miles in one week

  3. You are definitely on a roll! 7 weeks until your race and you've already got a 20 miler under your belt - that definitely bodes well for the marathon.
