Sunday, February 18, 2007

Training 2/12 - 2/18

Mon- Treadmill, 4 mi, 36:23, 9:06/mi

Tues- MKT, 6.6 mi, 54:17, 8:13/mi
Ran in 3 inches of snow and snowing during run.

Evening: Upper body weights, 53 min
Treadmill, 4 mi, 36:06, 9:01/mi

Wed- Rest

Thurs- Tripp 10K, 6.2 mi, 45:08, 7:17/mi
First 2 miles on the snow covered trail.

Evening: Treadmill, 4 mi, 35:23, 8:51/mi

Fri- Treadmill, 4 mi, 33:23, 8:21/mi

Sat- MKT, 10 mi, 1:51:31, 11:09/mi
2 more inches of snow and 3 by the time we were done running.

Sun- Brown School Rd, 16 mi, 2:12:06, 8:15/mi
I ran in the afternoon and the gravel roads were slushy and spongy. I didn’t feel like doing weights so skipped the weight workout. I think I need to try to schedule on a different day than my long run or get the long run done in the morning.

A few miles less than last week, but good considering the snow.

Running: 54.8 mi

Weight-lifting: 53 min

YTD Running: 396 mi

I’ve made a change to my schedule, deciding not to run my marathon on April 1st. Instead, I have scheduled a half marathon on March 24th, and will focus on the trail marathon. I need to start running on the trails to prepare.

March 17th-St. Patrick’s Day 5K
March 24th-Sedalia Half Marathon
May 19th-Berryman Trail Marathon
September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon


  1. Anonymous1:20 AM

    I have never ran while it was snowing let alone in 3" of snow as well

  2. Good choice on the race change. it will go much better for you on the trail race I am sure.
