Sunday, September 24, 2006

Training 9/18 - 9/24 and Sedalia Duathlon

Mon-Cycling – 22 mi, 1:27:56, 4:00/mi

Tues- Tripp 10K, 6.2 mi, 43:44, 7:03/mi; started out slower with warmup for the first 2 miles and easily running sub-7 miles the last 4 miles.


Thurs-MKT (progressively faster run), 5.9 mi, 44:55, 7:37/mi


Sat-Columbia Half Marathon Course, 13.3 mi, 1:49:52, 8:15/mi; We ran the end of the course incorrectly and ended up a little longer. This race is next week. Probably was not good to run this much the day before the duathlon, but felt I needed the mileage this week.

Sun-I woke up feeling sore which is unusual for a slower paced run. I was trying to run quietly (less impact) yesterday so maybe I used some leg muscles differently.

We left for the duathlon about 5:45 and picked up Hugh’s teammate on the way. We arrived in Sedalia about 7:20. I didn’t get a chance to warm up for the run and really didn’t feel that great. Once we started though I was in race-mode. First mile in 6:09, second in 6:23 and last 1.1 mile in 7:00 for a total of 19:32 for the first 5K. I passed at least one guy in the latter part but otherwise maintained my position.

Then off to the bike and I think I had a fairly quick (less than a minute) transition but didn't keep track of the time and the results included it in the bike time. I couldn’t seem to get my left foot clipped in for a few blocks but got off to a good start otherwise. The bike was out 9.3 miles with a couple turns and then back. The course was rolling but no severe hills. I didn’t see anyone close behind me until after the turnaround when I was passed by a couple guys. On the way back the wind was terrible and I’m sure I was slower than on the way out. By the time I was done with the bike I felt pretty spent. Counting the run to bike transition bike time was 59:23. Transition to the run wasn’t as quick as I would have liked (feeling shaky) since I was a little slow getting my running shoes on. Transition to the run was 50 seconds.

I didn’t have too much trouble getting into running mode and it was actually a relief to be running although pace was slower than first 5K which I expected. I passed one of the bikers that passed me early in the run. First mile split was 6:51, second was 6:50, and the last 1.1 (passed another of the bikers that passed me) was about 7:16 for a total of 20:57. Overall time was 1:40:42 which is 20 seconds slower overall than last year. My first 5K was faster 10 seconds faster than last year and my second was 13 seconds slower. I think the second 5K wasn’t so good due to the wind on the bike making me tired.

I thought Hugh’s teammate was surely going to pass me in the second half of the bike ride but she did not. However, they gained about 4 minutes on me since she is faster than me. Hugh ran each 5K in 22-something. Out of 3 teams, they placed first and won GOLD medals! Hugh ran the first 5K in 22:39 and the second in 23:28. Judy's bike time was 57:16 for a total of 1:43:23.

I placed second in my age group of 30 – 39 and won a SILVER medal plus a pottery mug. Actually, placed 3rd but the guy in my age group won. I placed 8th overall out 37. Last year I placed 9th out of 29 individuals and 4th in age group (got 3rd place award). So as far as placing, I seemed to improve.

Not real happy with my performance on the bike, but can’t do much about the windy conditions. I felt the running was good considering my legs did not feel fresh and I didn’t put forth all my effort on the first 5K. I felt like I recovered pretty well from the bike during the run and not a bad second 5K either.

The three of us went to Arby's in Sedalia to get something to eat after the race, and we wore our medals.

Sedalia Duathlon Course Map, Elevation, and Timex Data.

Running: 31.6

Cycling: 40.6 mi

Weight-lifting: 0 min

YTD Running: 1450.06 mi

YTD Cycling: 575.6 mi

By the end of the week, I felt pretty tired this week. I really need to take it easy next week so I’m ready for the half on Saturday.

October 1-Columbia Half Marathon Challenge
October 7- MU Vet School Dog Jog 5K
October 22nd-Chicago Marathon


  1. AWESOME job, Andy!

    Whew - so when are ya going to do a triathlon??? :-)

  2. You negelected to mention the hardware! Judi and I hauled gold medals back to Boone County, and you won a silver medal as well as another piece of Sedalia pottery.

    Note to Andy's blog readers: the three of us went to Arby's in Centralia to get something to eat after the race, and we wore our medals. :-)

  3. I added that to the report except we were in SEDALIA!

  4. Wow great training! Congrats on the duathalon. What is your next big race your targeting?

  5. Nice job in the duathlon Sunday and in the 5k last week Andy. To run a 40 second PR on the Chevy's course is big time. It seems like you're really recovering nicely from Heart of America. I think you're ready for that sub-3 in Chicago!

    and congrats Hugh on your GOLD!
