Sunday, September 17, 2006

Training 9/11 - 9/17 and Chevy's 5K


Tues- Dreier Dirty Dozen, 9.1 1:06:27, 7:18/mi; It was raining a bit when we started and progressively rained harder. My shoes were thoroughly soaked. I was surprised my time on this course was the fastest this year.


Thurs-Rock Quarry, 7.5 mi, 57:25, 7:39/mi

Cycling – 22 mi, 1:14:30, 3:23/mi; I was planning to only go 15 miles, but then decided to complete the 22 mile loop since I was making good time. This ended up being the fastest training time I have done on this course. It’s amazing what a difference 1 mph can shave off my time.


Sat-Chevy’s Mexican Independence Day 5K

We decided to sleep in a bit and woke up about 6:30 to get ready to leave at 7:15 for the race. This is the 4th annual race and I have ran this one every year. Last year I ran, but didn’t race it since it was 2 days before the HOA marathon. We consumed our pre-race shake and headed out the door.

I’m not sure if I wasn’t awake, but didn’t feel real energetic. We picked up our race numbers and shirts and then had a few minutes to warm-up. After 1.5 miles of warm-up, I felt much better. At this point, it was about 5 minutes until the race started.

This year the race started in the parking lot of Chevy’s instead of in the road as in past years. This worked much better. Last year we had a false start due to traffic. I took off with the lead pack (me and 2 other runners). There was another super fast guy that was immediately ahead of us and definitely not our competition.

I knew one of the runners and in other 5K races we are frequently close, but he usually beats me. I’ve beat him at longer distances though. A race a few years ago, I used him to set my pace and finished one second behind him in a 5K. He wasn’t in my age group at that time, but he is now in my age group. I was running right behind him and then passed him near the beginning. He caught up to me and another guy as well so the 3 of us were running side by side. First mile split was 5:53.

The three of us continued to run side by side. I really didn’t plan this, but it felt like a good pace for me so I stayed with them. Second mile split was 5:59. I’m thinking this is feeling like a real race since I’ve never been that close with 2 other runners for that long. I’m also thinking that at this pace I have a chance of possibly setting a new 5K PR. Even though this is a pretty flat course, I usually run it in around 20 min. After feeling great for the first 2 miles, the third mile, I didn’t feel so energetic The guy that I know started to pull a bit ahead and left us in the dust, and then the other guy was a bit ahead of me too.

I think I erred at this point since I didn’t try hard enough to stay with either of them. I need to remember that the last mile in a 5K isn’t going to be easy. So at this point, I am in 4th place overall and just trying to hang on. Another guy catches me and passes me somewhere between 2.5 and 3 mi. At 3 mi, my split is 6:45. I think I could have run it faster. I push hard until the end and run the last 0.1 in 37 seconds for a total time of 19:14. The guy ahead of me is 19:07, guy ahead of him is 19:01, and the other guy that left us in the dust is 18:39 which I think was a PR for him. He ran a great race. I wish I had tried harder to stay with him. The guy that finished ahead of me was kneeling and dry heaving so I had to duck under the tape to exit the finishing shoot.

The guy that won the race in 16:51 was in my age group, the guy that placed second was in my age group, so I received the 3rd place medal for my age group. I feel like I probably should have placed at least 3rd overall as well if I had pushed a little harder. I wasn’t puking like the guy in front of me so he obviously ran a harder race. I felt good after stopping.

I was 5th of 157 runners and Hugh placed 24th overall and also 3rd in his age group. His time was 22:46 which he wasn’t real happy, but I thought he did very well. He thought he should have been faster than last year, but he was 10 seconds slower.

My time was a 40 second PR for this course so I can definitely be happy about that even though I truly feel I could have run a smarter race in that last mile. That last mile is very mental and I just didn’t focus enough.

3.1 mi, 19:14, 6:12/mi, avg HR was 162 (proof that I didn’t run hard enough!)

Chevy’s 5K Results

Sun-The plan for today was to do a 4 mi run, 22 mi bike, and a 4 mi run. However, it rained all morning and was still raining in the afternoon. Instead, I decided to do a 16 mi run and Hugh joined me on the MKT for a 14 mile run. By the time we started our run it was barely raining and stopped shortly after we started.

MKT (flat course), 16 mi, 1:58:52, 7:26/mi

I was very happy with my splits for this run:

M8-7:26 (1:00:02)
M16-7:11 (58:50 for the second 8 miles)

Felt great after this run and not totally spent.

Running: 37.1

Cycling: 22 mi

Weight-lifting: 0 min

YTD Running: 1418.46 mi

YTD Cycling: 535 mi

September 24-Sedalia Fall Duathlon
October 1-Columbia Half Marathon Challenge
October 7- MU Vet School Dog Jog 5K
October 22nd-Chicago Marathon

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