Sunday, August 13, 2006

Training 8/7 - 8/13

Mon-Cycling, 22 mi, 1:31:10, 4:09/mi

Tues- Tripp 10K, 6.2 mi, 43:25, 7:00/mi


Thurs- Capen Park, 7.5 mi, 54:35, 7:17/mi

Fri-weights, upper #1, 42 min

Sat- Columns Course Columns Run, 10 mi, 1:31:13, 9:07/mi

I used for the first time the Timex Bodylink that Hugh gave me for my birthday (not till Oct 31). It keep track of distance, elevation, HR, and pace. I found a free website Bones in Motion to upload the results except for HR. This device provides an amazing amount of data. I left the data recorder on a little long so the time that it gives for my run is longer than actual time. The map that it shows on my blog is static. However, if you are a member, you can search for routes created by andyman68 and see the Google Maps to zoom in.

Sun- HOA Course, 23.75 mi, 3:16:04, 8:15/mi, Avg HR-137

I’m experimenting with creating maps on other sites since you can’t view the maps on BIM unless you are a member.

HOA Course Map Test 1 (temporary link)

HOA Course Map Test 2 (slow)

To get to this point with the Timex I had to use GPS Visualizer Convert to convert the Timex TXT file to a GPX file.

I then uploaded the GPX file to MapMyRun

I also have a Google API Maps Key and will try embedding the maps on my own website. I think this will work better.

Running: 47.45 mi

Cycling: 22 mi

Weight-lifting: 42 min

YTD Running: 1233.8 mi

YTD Cycling: 398 mi

September 4th-Heart of America Marathon
September 16-Chevy's Mexican Independence Day 5K Run
September 24-Sedalia Fall Duathlon
October 1-Columbia Half Marathon Challenge
October 22nd-Chicago Marathon


  1. Do you expect to break 3 hrs on the marathon? Your so close to it.

  2. I'm hoping to in Chicago. I'm never really sure where I am in my training since I'm never at my peak due to the fatigue of training.
