Sunday, August 20, 2006

Training 8/14 - 8/20

Mon-Cycling, 15 mi, 1:07:50, 4:29/mi

Tues- Dave's Dirty Devil Run, 6.66 mi, 46:30, 6:59/mi; Temps were
cooler and I felt like I was flying. Considering my recent long run
on Sun, I will very pleased.

Evening: Cycling, 40.3 mi, 2:32:25, 3:47/mi; This was an unplanned
ride and my first 40 miler. I had planned to meet with some other
people that were riding, but wasn't sure I could keep their pace 18 -
20 mph. I was about 16 mph avg for this ride so I couldn't keep up.
I enjoyed the ride, but was happy for it to be over. Definitely
pushed the limit. Hopefully, I can do some more of these longer rides
after my marathon in 2 weeks.


Thurs- Golf Course, 6 hill repeats, 6.7 mi, 1:02:19, 9:18/mi; The
distance is an estimate, but I did take it pretty easy and didn't push
too hard uphill. I probably should have run the flat trail instead.

Fri-Rest; had planned a bike ride, but it rained (very unusual this
year), Instead, I spent about 3 hours cleaning the house.

Sat- MKT, 10 mi, 1:19:10, 7:55/mi

Sun- MKT, 18 mi, 2:20:32, 7:48/mi, Avg HR 139; Legs were tired, but kept a very consistent pace.

I'm still getting familiar with the Timex Bodylink and will upload a
few of the courses I ran later. I think I am convinced that HR is
some good info and I need to learn to use the % effort function on the
watch. I have 30 miles planned for the first week of my taper, 24 the
next week, and then the marathon on Sept 4th.

Running: 41.36 mi

Cycling: 55 mi

Weight-lifting: 0 min

YTD Running: 1275.16 mi

YTD Cycling: 453 mi

September 4th-Heart of America Marathon
September 16-Chevy's Mexican Independence Day 5K Run
September 24-Sedalia Fall Duathlon
October 1-Columbia Half Marathon Challenge
October 22nd-Chicago Marathon

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you get some taper time in there buddy. Great work out week again.
