Monday, June 05, 2006

Training 5/29 - 6/4

Mon-PT Exercises

Tues- MKT, 2.4 mi, 23:34, 9:49/mi, PT Exercises
Cycling, 22 miles, 1:23:13, 3:47/mi


Thurs-MKT, 6.2 mi, 47:27, 7:39/mi

Fri-Weights/PT EX, 45 min
Cycling, 15.3 mi, 1:07:30, 4:25/mi

Saturday-Column’s, 8.5 mi, 1:18:08, 9:12/mi
PT Exercises, 18 min

Sun-Jeff Shikles 8K (4.97 mi), DNF (missed a turn); I think I stopped at 5 miles, and time was 31:44 which is pretty good pace at 6:21/mi. Hugh placed second in his age group at 38:02, a PR for this course. I would have placed 3rd in AG if I hadn’t missed the turn which a few others missed as well. There was no person standing on the last corner. There was a sign, but I did not see it. Is it the racer’s responsibility to know the course or should there be a person at each intersection? I don’t want to think too hard when I am running a race so I think there should be a person.

I think my tibia is better, but still not 100%. I'm going to make a plan to get my milage back up, speed work, weight-lifting/new PT exercises, and some biking. I'll see what happens. I'm not mentioning the tibia problem on this blog again (at least for awhile). If my running improves, everyone will know I'm better.

Weekly running miles: 19.7

YTD: 825.6


  1. I agree that on turns it should be very well marked and having people there really makes a difference. It is the race director's job to make sure so runners don't have to think about it.

    You got screwed in my opinion but glad Hugh finished well.

  2. Maybe you missed it because you were super speedy!
