Sunday, May 28, 2006

Training 5/22 - 5/28

Mon-Boatman Hill Rd, 4 mi, 30:30, 7:37/mi

Weight-lifting, 30 min


PT Exercises, 18 min

Tues- Tripp 10K, 6.2 mi, 45:55, 7:24/mi

PT Exercises, 18 min

Wed-PT Exercises and met with my physical therapist. I’m continuing to have upper tibia pain at times and mostly when running. I asked if I could run twice per day. He approved me to run 4 miles twice per day as fast as I want. Appointment in one week.

Thurs-Rock Quarry, 6 mi, 45:55, 7:39/mi

Boatman Hill Rd, 4 mi, 32:17, 8:04/mi

PT exercises, 18 min

Fri-Boatman Hill Rd, 4 mi, 35:57, 8:59/mi; legs feeling sore and tired

Boatman Hill Rd, 4 mi, 38:15, 9:34/mi

PT exercises, 18 min

Saturday-MKT, 4.4 mi, 37:05, 8:26/mi

Boatman Hill Rd, 4 mi, 43:15, 10:49/mi (feeling really stuffed from dinner at Lone Star and sore legs)

PT Exercises, 18 min

Sun-Cycling, 15 mi, 1:08:18, 4:30/mi; no pain at all in tibia when cycling

The tibia is still giving me problems. At least 2 nights this week (including Sat. night), the pain has awoken me. I mowed yard today and it didn’t even bother me at all. I’ve barely noticed it at all today other than this morning when I woke up.

When running sometimes it hurts the entire run and sometimes only the last 2 miles. The pain isn’t so great that I can’t run, but it is there. Once I start walking, it is usually gone. I’m not planning ahead at the moment for races and training and just taking one day at a time. I was happy with my milage this week and much better than last week. The hills are challenging. If I can keep up the twice per day running, I should be able to get some good milage and build a base even if I can't run much more than 4 miles at a time for awhile. Although, I'm seriously considering taking several consecutive days off from running this week to see if that corrects the problem.

Weekly running miles: 36.6

YTD: 803.5


  1. Hey Andy, hope you're having a great Memorial Day!

    Don't get too discouraged with the injury...keep in mind you're only 3 weeks post marathon and your body is probably still healing from that.

    Have the courage to rest if you feel like you need to. Even at 4 miles at a time, all those 2-a-days have got to be tiring.

    I'll most likely see you Tuesday and/or Thursday at the morning group run. As hot as it's gotten, I've got to start getting out early!

  2. I hope that injury heals up very quickly for ya!

  3. Thanks for the encouragement and those 4 milers were a bit tiring. I think I will revisit that option later.

    I decided to try running a little today and took it slow and ran 2.4 miles just to test how I was feeling. I think I am getting a little better taking Sunday and Monday off from running, but don't want to push it too soon. I'll try a couple miles again on Thursday. I have a feeling I will be biking a lot this week.

    Not only am I healing from the tibia problem, my lower abs have been very sore as well. I think I need to let everything heal and start fresh.

  4. Andy , any improvement in the legs yet? How is the running going? Hopefully better now!
