Sunday, April 09, 2006

Training April 3 to April 9

Mon-Bike, Brown Station, and once around Duathlon course, 22.9 mi, 1:22:32, 3:46/mi

Tues-Jaira's Jaunt, 7.1 mi, 57:57, 8:10/mi


Thurs-Rain Run, 7.1 mi, 52:14, 7:21/mi

Evening: Bike, Brown Station, Spiva Crossing, took it easy since no energy, 16.3 mi, 1:13:22, 4:30/mi

Later Evening: weights, 31 min and stretch


Sat-Morning: Column's Run (shortened), 6.5 mi, 58:52, 9:03/mi; felt sluggish

Later in the morning: Duathlon Course PracticeDuathlon Practice, run 3.0 mi (18:49, 6:16/mi), T1-00:56, bike 15 mi, (57:00, 3:48/mi), T2-2:30, run 3.0 mi (20:02, 6:40/mi)

CMC decided to have a practice duathlon race for the duathlon on April 22. These are official times since we tested the timing chips for this race. We had a Transition Clinic prerace with lots of good tips.

My T2 time is long since my running shoes were missing. Hugh did the short course and was already done so I wore his size 13 shoes which were too big for me (size 11.5). I didn't really push too much on the first run, I struggled on the hills on the bike, and pretty much gave up by the second run. It was only practice and I'm sure I will do much better in 2 weeks during the actual race. My bike time is pretty bad compared to everyone else. I'm sure that tiredness and no tapering had something to do with it as well as lack of experience. I guess I can't expect to be fast on the bike so soon.

A guy that ran the short course took my shoes home with him by mistake. His shoes were also yellow and white Mizunos with a Nike Triax Foot Pod on the shoe except I keep mine on the right shoe. His was on the left. He felt really bad that it happened, but I told him it was only a practice so no big deal. I'm still not sure why he would take 2 pairs of shoes home, but he blamed it on lactic acid. I think the odds of someone else having the same shoes and a Nike Foot Pod are not that great.

Afternoon: I didn't punish my body enough in the morning so I biked from Mill Creek Elem to Huntsdale, 20 mi, 1:19:03, 3:57/mi

Sun-MKT, 19 mi, 2:42:38, 8:34/mi; Legs felt sluggish and this long run quickly went downhill after 7 mi at about an 8 min pace. No pain, just tired, but I felt like I could keep going at a reduced pace. My last 2 miles were almost 10 minutes and I was pretty wiped out. A good run considering the amount of time I spent running and on the bike on Saturday. I also meant to only run 18 miles, but due to my state of mind I miscalculated.

Weekly Running Miles: 45.7 YTD Running Mileage: 584.8
Biking Miles: 73.2
Weights-31 min

Looking back at my training this week, I think it might be time to ease up a little. I'm going to cut back on the biking this week, take it easy on Tues, Thurs, and Sat runs. I have a 20 miler next Sunday that I'll try to run a decent pace.

Then it's a 3 week taper until the Flying Pig. I'll take it easy weekdays since I am also doing a duathlon and then a 5K the week before the Pig.

For running, here's the plan:
4/10/06-44 miles
4/17/06-36 miles
4/24/06-27 miles
5/1/06-17 miles, plus marathon on 5/7

Here's an amusing website that I found this week: You can take "test" to find out if you are a real runner. I found the book on Real Runners to be most interesting as I could relate to a great deal of it. Some people may find this too intense, but the PDF of the book can be downloaded at


  1. That is just too weird. What are the odds, exactly, of someone taking off with two pairs of the same shoes? At first when I read it, I thought you had switched?

  2. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket? I wish he had left his shoes. They might have fit me better than Hugh's shoes.

  3. It's no wonder you were tired on the Sunday long run, you did 3 seperate workouts on Saturday! That's crazy! Rest up a little better for next weeks 20 and I'm sure you'll have a more pleasant experience. I think your training looks great other than those two really hard days in a row. Keep it up!

    Apparently I'm not a real runner as I only scored 3 out of 6 on the test. One of the questions was would you rather die running a race, on a trail run or in your sleep. I guess a 'real' runner would want to go out doing what they love, but seriously, dying while running just sounds painful. I've seen God a few times already in marathons and triathlons. Take me in my sleep, nice and peaceful.

  4. I like the web site. I will have to check it out more later.

    Good training! When I get my speed back I will track you down one day. LOL

    Going for 2:55 on the marathon?

  5. I scored 4/6 on the test. I think most people would rather die in their sleep while dreaming of running.

    I'm going for under 3 hrs. The plan is to average 6:48/mi, taking 9 seconds per mile off my last marathon PR. If not, any PR would be good. It's really tough to say since I don't know how the course compares to other marathons that I've done. Everyone seems to have a different concept of hilly.

  6. Boo-Hoo! Guess I'm not a real runner. I scored 5/6. Cute!
    AWESOME training schedule!
