Monday, April 17, 2006

Training April 10 - 16


Tues-Dave's Devil Run, 6.6 mi, 52:14, 7:55/mi; Run felt very easy.


Thurs-Capen Park, 7.5 mi, 57:00, 7:36 mi; I felt good and stayed with some of the faster guys for awhile. For the last 2 miles, I couldn't keep up, but kept a good pace. Maybe I shouldn't have pushed myself.

Fri-Bike, 15 mi, 58:25, 3:53/mi; legs felt tired

weights 40 min

Sat-MKT, 10 mi, 1:31:14, 9:07/mi; I ran with a slower person to prevent myself from running too fast.

Sun-MKT, 20 mi, 3:17:49, 9:53/mi; This run was somewhat like last Sunday, only worse. My legs felt sluggish, but I started out slower and slowed up even sooner than last week. Here's my splits, 8:00, 7:52, 7:52, 7:58, 8:25, 8:44, 9:06, 9:19, 9:22, 10:06, 9:49, 11:02, 12:29, 11:37, 12:26, 11:44, 12:28, 11:09, 9:50, 8:31.

I had no desire to push and was just trying to get it over with. I did try on the last mile and 8:31 was the best I could do. I think that I may be slightly overtrained. I'm going to cut my milage for Tues and Thur and run an easy pace. If I don't feel like running, I'll even walk. I'm taking Mon, Wed, and Fri off from everything. No weights and no biking.

Weekly Running Miles: 44.1 YTD Running Mileage: 628.9

Biking Miles: 15

This week I have 36 miles planned, but may cut back more if necessary.


  1. Now you know; it's seriously bad karma to skip church on Easter.

  2. Not sure if bad karma was the culprit, but that Sunday run had to hurt. Definitely back off if you feel like you need to, especially with the duathlon coming up.

  3. You are one busy person!

  4. The reason I skipped church is that my run lasted longer than anticipated!

    I had a good run on Thursday so hopefully my legs are back.
