Monday, July 24, 2017

2017 Psummer Psycho 50k

This race was my 60th ultramarathon and my 10th Psycho race (6 of them Psummer). Temperature was 83 at the start and 97 (111 heat index) by the time I finished. First loop felt blah, 2nd loop felt pretty good, and the last half of the 3rd loop was really tough as it heated up even more. Also, the last few miles of the loop have some tough hills.

Loop 1 - 1:47:42, 15th
Loop 2 - 1:52:25, 9th
Loop 3 - 2:06:01, 8th

Overall finished 5:46:10, 8th, 2nd in 40-49.
I was so ready to be done. My shorts were wet the entire run. About mile 14, during the second loop, just after I had my picture taken, I stumbled and slammed my left arm into a tree. My arm was fine but it pressed against my lower rib cage, knocking the wind out of me a little. That area is still quite sore and didn’t really notice how sore until after I was done. It hasn’t gotten worse so hopefully will get better.

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