Monday, September 03, 2012

2012 Heart of America Marathon

I registered for this marathon last December since I figured I would want to keep up my streak of running it 9 times in a row. I was not that excited about running it and no clue really where to pace myself. I was thinking somewhere between 3:10 and 3:30 with closer to 3:30 being more realistic. I've not been feeling as fast as I used to run and really didn't train to run a marathon since I ran 100 miles about 5 weeks ago. Also, I've been trying to gain weight and was up 10 lbs from last year's HOA.

Temperature was 72F and humidity 96% which is pretty typical for this marathon. I positioned myself back from the front and took 3 seconds to cross the timing mat. Talked to the guy running in the suit (trying to break a world record - he didn't). He eventually went ahead and then I passed him at around 3 miles. 7:30 - 7:40 pace was feeling good and I didn't feel like I could go any faster. A guy caught up to me around mile 8 and I ran with him until the bottom of Easley hill around mile 12. We also ran a bit with another guy that caught us at mile 11. They called out my time at the half at 1:40:30 so I decided my goal was 3:21 or less at this point since I was feeling pretty good.

I didn't see the first guy again, but the other guy ran behind me for a few miles and then slowed down. I passed 8 people in the second half and was passed by no one. The sun was shining and humid, but didn't feel too bad to me. I passed 2 guys in the final mile which I ran in 7:20 so finished strong. Even though I finished feeling strong in 3:20:27 this was my slowest HOA for the 9 years. The first year I ran in 3:18:59. Placed 10th out of 212 and 3rd out of 18 in my age group. The first 4 in my age group were very close. I ran the last half ran in 1:39:57 so a negative split. I do hope to run again next year and see if I can take 10 minutes off my time.

After we attended the pizza party and awards ceremony at Shakespeare's Pizza and then went home to nap.


Race Results


Race Director's Report


  1. Nice work! I had a bad ankly injury just two weeks before the race so between that and the blister I didn't run as strongly as I was hoping to. But I had fun nonetheless. Nice seeing you at the finish!

  2. Thanks! Looks like it went much better for you than 2 years ago. That is quite the improvement!
