Saturday, December 10, 2011

2011 Cheese & Sauerkraut 10 miler

Temperature was 19F today, but the wind was not bad.  After the 5.2 mile warm up, we had 5 minutes to spare. I consulted with Phil about what time to write down.  I wasn't feeling like I wanted to work extremely hard but decided to predict 1:07 even though I ran 1:03:50 last year.   I took off my watch (none allowed) and quickly used the bathroom.  We started promptly at 8:30 am.  There were 4 of us running close together for the first 2 or so miles.  I pulled ahead a bit before we turned on the road where we had to run down and turn around.   I passed a couple runners and then was in second place.  The guy in first (Kevin) was pretty far ahead of me and his twin brother (Erik) was behind me.  I completed the first loop feeling pretty strong. 

The second loop went well until about the last 2 miles, my legs were starting to feel fatigued and sore so I was having to work to keep the same pace.  I didn't feel like I fell off the pace too bad and had pulled far enough ahead of Erik I didn't worry about him catching me, but would have been nice to have someone push me for the last couple miles.  My finishing time was 1:05:01 so 2 minutes off my prediction but not close or far enough off to win the cheese or sauerkraut.  I placed 2nd for my time overall out of 45 runners.  The winner was 5 minutes ahead of me.  We had sauerkraut dip, sauerkraut chocolate cookies (added a bag of milk chocolate chips), brownies, and cinnamon rolls to eat after. Hugh and I brought the sauerkraut cookies.  There were 5 dozen and we only brought home about 4 cookies.

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