Saturday, July 16, 2011

Race for Recovery

This race was to benefit the tornado victims in Joplin and looked like had a great turnout and was one of the best organized local races I have seen. A bit hot to run the usual 10K pace. Ran with or close to Angie Turner most all the way. I was right with her about the first 4 mi. When we got to Forum & Southampton, we totally missed the turn on the right side since we were running on the left. Not sure there was a person there but no doubt there was a sign, but neither of us noticed it. Once we got down to Bethel, I am thinking we should have turned by now. Then we noticed a person coming at us the opposite direction so we ran the last part of the course in reverse. It ended up being 6.87 miles since we ran a section of Southampton Dr twice that we shouldn't have run at all. I slowed quite a bit once I hit 6 mi and Angie ended up finishing a little over a minute ahead. I am not sure what place we were in before we made a wrong turn. Could have been in the lead or maybe someone was just way ahead of us. Told the finish line timer we had run long, but he said that was okay so I guess I wasn't DQ'd. Overall time was 45:27, 6:37 pace.  Not sure how I placed since left and ran with Dan at Rock Bridge.

Update:  Placed 12 out of 130.  Would have placed 4th and 2nd male overall if we had not made a wrong turn.

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