Sunday, February 06, 2011

2011 Nut Race

I didn't have any goals for this 5K.  With the snow on the ground, the way I have been running lately, and the pain and the weakness in the right leg,  I didn't expect too much.  I ran to the race and caught up with Tom, Dan E. and Phil.  I ended up with a little over 8 miles and felt pretty good.   I was feeling less stiffness and pain than some days.  We got to the start line about 5 minutes before the race started.  I had to pee but no time.  We took off and it took me awhile to get my speed up.  I passed Hugh on the first turn.

Not a whole lot happened.  I ran as about as fast as I could.  I passed one guy and Tom passed me before the end.  I assumed he was ahead of me.  I wore my Yak Trax but still some slippage.  Tried to stay on the pavement along Providence and cars moved over to the other lane.  Splits were 6:41, 6:52, and 6:52 and last 0.2 was 1:25 and overall 21:50. Placed 4th of 9 in age group of 40 - 49 and 6th overall out of 32.  Not as bad as I thought it might be.

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