Saturday, October 02, 2010

2010 Coach E. 3/4 Marathon

We picked up Jeff at Midway and headed on our way to the Coach E. 3/4 Marathon.  The race started in Salisbury next to the Funeral Home and Subway with 12 starters including the race director, Wayne.  There had also been a 5K in Brunswick with over 200 people so not many opted for the 3/4 marathon.  I felt like I started off a bit fast, but was feeling better than I have felt in months the past couple days.  I had an osteopathic treatment on Fri. so not sure if that is why or just a coincidence.  I was feeling antsy to run (I've missed that feeling) and started off a bit fast.  I caught up to the guy, an 18 yr old that won the race last year when it was a half marathon.  We ran together for about 3 - 4 miles and he decided he was running too fast.  The way he was running, I think with more training, he could be very fast, but he said a half marathon was as far as he had ever run before.

I followed a 4-wheeler that was leading the just ahead of me all the way.  There were water stops every mile where we could pick up a bottle.  I picked up my first bottle at 3 miles and carried until I finished and picked up another one.  Ended up drinking 4 bottles along the way and consumed 1 gel every 5 miles.  I wore my new light Mizuno jacket which was a bit warm so totally unzipped.  The wind was a bit strong but mostly behind or to the side so not a head wind.  Temp held steady at about 57 and up to 61 by the time I finished.  There were a few hills that slowed me down and I did notice my quads were still a little sore from last Sat. around mile 10.  The shoulder was gravel all the way until about mile 15 it was paved so that really helped me pick up my pace.  The last 4 miles was also flat as a pancake and could see Brunswick grain elevators in the distance.  Most of the scenery was corn and soybean fields and ran through Keytesville near the middle.  I noted that  we passed 3 Casey's General Stores on the way.  One in Salisbury, Keytesville and Brunswick.

I finished in 2:15:42, first place overall.  They gave me a finisher's medal and a first place overall medal.  The finish was downtown in the midst of the Pecan Festival.  First female finished about 25 min behind me and Hugh was third at 2:50. Tess and Christian, the finish line volunteers served pecan pie, Gatorade, water, and iced tea.  They took good care of us.  Jeff finished shortly after.  We hung around for awhile chatting with some of the other runners and then Christian drove us back to our car in Salisbury.  We were parked next to the Subway so ended up eating lunch there before driving home. 

There were some people taking pictures so hopefully those will be shared with us later.  My race splits and course profile are on my running log.

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