Sunday, July 18, 2010

2010 Show Me State Games 5K

Left home about 7:15 during a thunderstorm and it was raining hard and lightning.. Plan was to sign up if it quit raining. I don't mind running in the rain, but the lightning was scary. They said the race was being delayed 1 hour and wouldn't start until 9 am since the storms were supposed to clear. It had momentarily quit raining when I arrived. Saw Dan E. and he ended up running back home since he had planned to run to the race, run it, and run home and couldn't wait an hour. Andy S. was there too undecided as to what to do. Eventually, I signed up for the 5K and Andy signed up for the 10K. At 8 am there was another bad storm so was glad we waited. Quit raining again so ran a 1.5 mi warmup with Andy, Bill, and Mark.

Earlier the temp had been 80 so the rain cooled off a bit but was still very humid. Hugh had arrived to watch the race since I called earlier that it was delayed and they might need help too. I lined up in the front and middle. We started a couple minutes before 9. I nearly ran over a smaller kid that started in front of me. The 5 and 10K started together and I think there were about 7 runners ahead of me. Andy S. was ahead. First mile had a small hill before turning on to South Hampton. I passed a couple runners on the hill. First mile split was 5:58. I was hoping for better, but wasn't feeling great. Breathing hurt a little and had a pain on the left ribs.

I caught up to Andy and stayed with him which seemed the right pace for me. Second mile was 6:12. I was ready for it to be over but glad I was running with someone or not sure what would have happened. Last mile was 6:04 and last 0.16 was 58 seconds. Overall 19:11. Andy S. turned around and headed out for another loop. I was glad I did not. Hugh and I headed over to the 10K finish line and Andy came in about 38:26 so didn't slow down much at all. He won the 10K. I was 3rd in the 5K and first in my age group. I was actually the only person in my age group. I am not sure how many runners yet, but we had a decent turnout in spite of the threatening weather.

I had a much better race on this course last year. I wasn't feeling fully rested today and also felt bloated and weight was up quite a bit today. Lots of excuses, but fun to get out and push myself a little.

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