Thursday, November 26, 2009

2009 Thanksgiving Day Pie Run 10K

I think this run exceeded the race organizer's expectations this year. There were 493 people for the 5K Run, 5K Walk and the 10K Run (an increase of 166 over last year). By the time we arrived at 8:10 there were 2 long lines. Fortunately, the shorter long line was for those that had preregistered. The race started 25 min late. I am not sure if they just quit taking registrations or got everyone signed up. We talked to Chad while standing in line.

My goal was to try to run 45 min, close to a 7 min pace. My runs lately have been 8+ pace and a few just under 8 min. I was feeling a little stiff at the start. I line up in the front of the pack since was not sure where to be. I was passed by quite a few starting out really fast at the beginning.

Hugh ran the 5K and I passed him before the first mile so although I started out a bit conservative, I think the race helped push me. The first 5K was around 21-something which was decent. I didn't want to push too hard but I also think my body was out of shape to run too fast since I haven't run any sub-7 miles since the Truman State 5K on Oct 10th and those were close to 6 min. I was running marathon pace today so figured that was a good place to be. The wind was pretty bad on parts of the course.

Ran the second half about the same time I ended up with 42:21 on my GPS for 6.27 miles. Ten year age groups so did not win anything this year, but only 3 min 41 second slower than I ran it last year. I was 4th in my age group 40 - 49 and missed 3rd by 9 seconds. Definitely have a lot to be thankful for concerning this race since I ran well and I don't think I did any damage doing so. Running is continuing to get easier so I am hoping in another month, I will be even better. It has been over a month since I started rehabilitating myself from the bulging disc.

It was great seeing several familiar faces today and big congrats to Kathy on her 5K PR!

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