Monday, May 25, 2009

2009 WellAware 5K

I ran a 1.2 mi warm up and then had 10 minutes before starting. I was hoping I could finish at least 22 minutes today since I didn't feel great. I was up late last night cleaning so not the most ideal conditions to run a race. The rain had pretty much stopped but I wasn't worried about it raining. I really didn't care. The sidewalk in the park was not draining well so we were going to get our feet wet anyway.

I lined up near Chris C. and Bill S. and we were off. I felt like I was being left behind since about 20 or so ran ahead of me. I ended up passing all of them and then passed Chris in the first mile or so. I caught up to another guy that I passed in the 2nd mile. Hugh was working at a water station. He had gone there to watch me but no one was there so he took over. Sam was on the course taking pictures and got some good ones. Photos

The hills were tough for me today and slowed down but tried to make up the time on the downhill. About 0.3 from the end I figure I have a good chance of finishing under 19 min so pump the arms to get me up the hill before the finish line. I can see the clock says 18:50 so push hard and finish in 18:57. Splits were 5:57, 6:09, 6:04, and 48 sec for last 0.13. Course PR for me and it was certified this year so actually just a bit longer than the non-certified course.

Took awhile to get to the awards. They were giving a choice of water bottle and stop watch for 3rd place, a Flexifreeze cooler for second, and a coaster for first. I actually hoping for second since I wanted the cooler. I ended up with second and the cooler.

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