Saturday, March 07, 2009

2009 Run with the Eagles 5K

Run with the Eagles Race Results

Started out really fast on this course at a sub-6 pace. The course goes down and then we come back up on the way back so it is not a negative split course. I planned to start fast and then slow down a little. At the beginning I was in 6th place. I could see Bill S. ahead of me most of the way and Pat H. for a awhile. I passed one guy shortly before the first mile, passed Nicole M. at about the 1st mile, and then a 3rd guy right after the first mile. I felt confident I was running stronger and could stay ahead of all 3 of them. First mile was 5:46 which was about where I wanted it.

We turned around at a cone at the half way point. Hit second mile in 6:08. Then had a few hills to go back up. It was warm and I was feeling fatigue but kept pushing. I could see one of the guys behind me but had enough of a lead I thought I could stay ahead of him. The end was up hill so really had to push to keep my lead. Third mile was 6:33 and last 0.13 was 47 seconds. Ending up finishing 3rd overall in 19:15 and first in age group of 40 - 49. I was happy with this result. I don't think I could have done any better today.

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