Sunday, November 09, 2008

2008 Cranberry Crawl 5K

Hugh and I arrived at the food bank about 7:15 to run the course as a warm up. Warm up did not feel good until about 2.5 miles. Ran the warm up miles at about 9 min pace. It was good thing I signed up for the race ahead of time since based on the warm up I am not sure I would have run the race. I felt achy.

I decided to do my best and start out with the intention of trying to run a good race for my first 5k in my new age group. I started out fast and passed Chris C. and John H. before we got to Vandiver. I knew John was running the 5K and in my age group. I assumed Chris was running the 5K but found later he ran the 10K. He passed me around 2 miles and Bill S. passed me as well running the 10K. I am glad I am now not in their age group for a few years.

This was not a flat course and not a fast course in my opinion. I pushed pretty hard up the hills and even harder on flat and downhills. I was a bit tired of the hills but managed to have decent mile splits for the 3 miles. Finished in 18:49 which surpassed my goal. I figured running a 19:30 would be possible on this course, but really no clue where my fitness is on 5Ks right now. I ended up enjoying this run more than I expected. Felt much better than the warm up miles.

I was first of 5 in my age group 40 - 44 and 4th of 104 overall. We got to pick a prize from the table and I chose a reflective yellow New Balance running vest. Hugh ran the 5K as well and placed 3rd in his age group, 13th overall and also got a prize from the table.


m1 - 5:58
m2 - 6:17
m3 - 6:13
0.07 - 0:21

2008 Cranberry Crawl Results

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I ran this race, too, and also felt like it wasn't a fast course. Those HILLS!!!
