Thursday, July 17, 2008

7/7/08 - 7/13/08 and Smokin' Chicks 5K

I felt like I was running tired for many of the runs this week. I had planned to cut back and did cut back 20 miles. On Thursday, I was feeling good and had an excellent tempo. This probably wasn't smart to do considering I had a 5K on Saturday. I took Friday off, but still didn't feel like running the 5K on Saturday. It turned out to be a hot 5K and I was glad it was over. I didn't push myself too hard for the race. That morning I left for Bismarck. On the way there I met Danielle for about an hour in Minneapolis. We had an enjoyable chat and then it was time for me to catch my plane. I had hoped to possibly get a run on Saturday when I got there, but had to wait until Sunday morning and had a second run in the evening.

Date: 7/7/2008 5:25 AM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Brad Wadlow's High Intensity Interval Training - Back/Biceps/Abs
Duration: 35:00
Weight: 153 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 9/10
Notes: Reverse Grip Barbell Row-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (155 - 6/6/5)
Dumbbell Row-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (55 - 12/11)
Deadlifts-2-2 rep tempo 1 sets of 20 reps (130 - 20)
Standing Barbell Curls-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (72.5 - 6/6/6)
Incline Dumbbell Curls-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (37.5 - 12/12)
Stability Ball Crunch (25lb - 50/50 alt/60)
PT Exercises/Stretches

Date: 7/8/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Easy
Course: Dreier Dirty Dozen - A Route
Distance: 9.3 miles
Duration: 1:12:05
Pace: 7:46 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (Red/Blue)
Weight: 153 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 5/10
Weather: 77° F, Overcast, Humid
Notes: I wasn't sure I was ready to run the hilly Dreier course today. No other reason than I just didn't think I felt like pushing it hard today. I ran with Dan the entire way although I passed a few people on Chapel Hill and they all passed me when it became flat. Makes no sense but I just like picking up the pace on hills if I am feeling up to it.

We took it pretty easy keeping a conversation pace (and we were conversing) the entire run. It was an enjoyable run and I was pretty soaked by the end from the humidity. Somehow we missed getting any rain while running but I think it would have been welcome. I think we ran the perfect pace today and I enjoyed it.

m1 - 8:44
m2 - 7:58
m3 - 7:44
m4 - 7:44
m5 - 7:44
m6 - 7:55
m7 - 7:48
m8 - 7:33
m9 - 7:23
0.3 - 1:33

Date: 7/8/2008 5:00 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Grindstone
Distance: 4 miles
Duration: 34:41
Pace: 8:41 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (Red/Blue)
Weight: 153 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 2/10
Weather: 77° F, Rain, Humid
Notes: Easy run with Dan and Hugh at Grindstone. It sprinkled a bit but we missed any major rain.

m1 - 9:01
m2 - 8:52
m3 - 8:52
m4 - 7:56

Date: 7/9/2008 5:25 AM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Brad Wadlow's High Intensity Training - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Duration: 40:00
Weight: 153 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 8/10
Notes: Decline Bench Press-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (122.5- 12/10)
Flat Barbell Bench Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (112.5 - 6/6/6)
Incline Dumbbell Press-2-2 rep tempo 1 sets of 20 reps (50 - 17)
Barbell Overhead Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (65 - 6/6/6)
Dumbbell Side Raises-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (27.5 - 12/12)
Bent Over Dumbbell Side Raises-2-2 rep tempo 1 sets of 20 reps (60 - 20)
Pull-ups - 4 types (8/7/7/6)
Dips (14/12/11)
PT Exercises/Stretches

Date: 7/9/2008 5:10 PM
Type: Hill
Course: West Loop
Distance: 8.3 miles
Duration: 1:04:13
Pace: 7:45 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 153 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 5/10
Weather: Humid
Notes: Ran with Dan and Hugh from the Newman Center. We all ran together until Fairview Rd when Hugh stopped for water. Picked up the pace a little each mile. Overall run felt good and I felt a little more energetic than yesterday's afternoon run.

m1 - 8:45
m2 -7:58
m3 - 7:33
m4 - 7:44
m5 - 8:01
m6 -7:34
m7 - 7:15
m8 - 7:10
0.3: 2:11 (7:17 pace)

Date: 7/10/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Tempo
Course: Rock Quarry - A Route
Distance: 8 miles
Duration: 56:01
Pace: 7:01 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 8 (Blue/Silver)
Weight: 156 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 9/10
Weather: 70° F, Sunny, Humid
Notes: Started the run today with Dan and we were further back in the pack so had to pass a lot of runners. Once we got around, Phil comes up behind me on the right. I stay behind him and Tony since I know if I speed up, he will too. At the mulch pile, I decide to go around the opposite direction so I can set my own pace. Tony made it around just before I did and the rest were behind me. I'm not sure what got into me today, but I just kept pushing the pace. I heard someone behind me several times. Before a mile to the end Matt Dreier catches up to me and somehow I get sucked into running with him until the end. I almost couldn't talk by the time I stopped. I ran the last 0.25 mi with Dan to round off to 8 miles. I think I will rest tomorrow so maybe I can be ready for the 5K on Sat.

m1 - 8:17
m2 - 7:36
m3 - 7:22
m4 - 7:01
m5 - 6:22
m6 - 6:36
m7 - 6:25
m8 - 6:23

Date: 7/12/2008 7:50 AM
Type: Easy
Course: Smokin' Chicks
Distance: 3.1 miles
Duration: 28:30
Pace: 9:12 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 8 (Blue/Silver)
Weight: 156 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 1/10
Weather: 80° F, Overcast, Humid
Notes: Warmed up with Hugh before the race. It was quite warm and when I got done I drank nearly a 20 oz bottle of water right before the race.

m1 - 9:27
m2 - 9:16
m3 - 8:45
0.1 - 1:02

Date: 7/12/2008 8:30 AM
Type: Race
Course: Smokin' Chicks
Distance: 3.1 miles
Duration: 19:17
Pace: 6:14 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 8 (Blue/Silver)
Weight: 156 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 7/10
Field Placement: 11 / 126 (8.7%)
Age group: 30 – 39
Group Placement: 4
Weather: Humid
Notes: I wasn't real motivated about this race Fri night after a draining day at work, but woke up feeling better about it. I knew though I would be lucky to finish under 20 minutes with the heat. I didn't feel like I started out too fast. Caught up to Darrin early in the race and passed him. He passed me back at the turn around at about 1.3 miles. He really picked up the pace and was running an excellent race. I just didn't feel motivated and legs didn't feel fresh so I didn't push it. I did see 2 young teenage guys just after the 2 mile mark that I was catching and passed easily. I managed to get pretty far ahead of them but no one really in my sights to catch. Once I crossed the finish line I didn't feel like I had run too hard. I like running in the heat but just didn't feel like racing in it today.

Managed to place 11 overall and 4th in AG. Hugh placed first in his age group and took home a trophy.

m1 - 6:08
m2 - 6:18
m3 - 6:25
0.1 - 0:26

Date: 7/12/2008 9:10 AM
Type: Easy
Course: Smokin' Chicks
Distance: 2 miles
Duration: 15:35
Pace: 7:48 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 8 (Blue/Silver)
Weight: 156 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 3/10
Weather: Humid
Notes: Ran a 2 mile cool down. Would have liked to do more but no time.

Date: 7/13/2008 7:00 AM
Type: Long
Course: Bismarck River Run
Distance: 14.3 miles
Duration: 1:50:08
Pace: 7:43 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 156 lb
Misc: Quality: 10/10, Effort: 4/10
Weather: 53° F, Sunny
Notes: Last night I planned out my route to run today in Bismarck. I modified a route that someone had created on mapmyrun. I generally ran this route except deviated a few places to check out the different directions of the trails. I didn't realize the River Road portion had a paved trail along the side. The course ended up following this trail system at about 6.5 miles and almost all the way back to the hotel. Some of the trail was next to the Missouri River. I also didn't realize I can get on this trail system about a half mile from the hotel so I have a lot more options. I learned quickly that the street portion was very easy to navigate and I don't think I could get lost here. It is all laid out very neatly. The trails are all paved and very nice just like Madison. I guess a state with a billion $ budget surplus from their oil profits can have nice trails.

The temps were perfect, sunny, and not nearly as windy as yesterday when I arrived. It would have been a perfect day to run a marathon. It stays light until 10 pm here so maybe I will get out again later. I didn't see anyone out running for a few miles and then encountered several runners on the trail. I took it pretty easy. The run didn't seemed very easy since I felt cool nearly the entire run. This will be nice running for a few days, but will appreciate the humid warm temps in Missouri more. I didn't carry any water on this run and was fine. I did notice quite a few vending machines with drinks along the course and thought would be nice if Columbia's parks and trails had vending machines. It seems strange that we don't. Also, paved trails are great to run on.

m1 - 8:14.......m8 - 7:44
m2 - 8:02.......m9 - 7:51
m3 - 7:55.....m10 - 7:58
m4 - 7:37.....m11 - 7:37
m5 - 7:37.....m12 - 7:30
m6 - 7:44.....m13 - 7:30
m7 - 7:35.....m14 - 7:12
0.3 - 2:02 (6:47 pace)

Date: 7/13/2008 8:20 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Bismarck River Run
Distance: 8 miles
Duration: 1:07:44
Pace: 8:28 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 156 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 5/10
Weather: 82° F, Sunny
Notes: I ran after we got back from dinner since it looked like a really nice evening and there were a lot of people out biking, roller blading, a few runners, and baseball games in the park. The people here are much more active at night than early in the morning when I ran and didn't see hardly anyone out. I ran on the Bismarck trail down to the river which was the one I ran earlier today. I went out a little over 4 miles and up a hill on a part I didn't run earlier which was on a bluff way above the river. That ended at a parking lot so I turned around and then noticed a dirt trail going off several places. I wasn't feeling well from dinner and everything else I have eaten today but still was too tempted so I took this trail. It went up even higher on the bluff and then dropped down. This was enough to really stir up my dinner so I got onto the road at the bottom and then crossed back over to the trail. I probably wasn't on this dirt part for even a half mile. This actually cut off some distance from the turn around. I found a bathroom quickly on the trail and had about 1.5 miles to go. The run ended perfectly at 8 miles so I stopped and walked just a few steps into the hotel. Legs feel tired and this run didn't feel as easy as the morning run today.

m1 - 8:33
m2 - 8:34
m3 - 8:23
m4 - 8:45
m5 - 8:55
m6 - 8:02
m7 - 8:13
m8 - 8:17

Running: 60.1 - 7:48:14

Weights: 1 hr 15 min (2 workouts)

MTD Running: 141 mi

YTD Running: 1703.3 mi

July 27-Show-me State Games 5K
August 2-Great Sandbagger 10K
September 1-Heart of America Marathon
October 5-Twin Cities Marathon

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