Friday, July 04, 2008

2008 Parley P. Pratt Memorial 4 Miler Freedom Run

The weather was great for the 4th of July with nice cool temps. After running a 3 mile warm-up, we had the usual pre-race ceremonies and explanation that we are running to celebrate the jail break of Parley P. Pratt. I wasn't sure what to expect for pace. I had ran the course at 6:07 pace last year but didn't think I quite had that in me today. Temps were cooler this year probably in the lower 70s and the course is also shaded by the trees since this race is 2 miles out and back on the MKT trail.

Based on how I felt I thought my goal would be to run around 25 minutes. We lined up in the grass to start. I felt like I was going a little fast and GPS said 4-something pace so slowed a little and waited for it to smooth out. I was right around a 6 min pace. I was in 5th place at this point in the beginning. Before the first half mile Dan Lopez passed me and I noticed the 2 guys ahead of us slowing. We both passed them and at this point I was in 3rd place. The guy ahead of us was looking strong. I thought I could stay with the young Mr. Lopez. I stayed just behind him and almost thought about passing him once but he seemed to be picking up the pace. My first mile split was 6:14.

Before the turn around, Lopez had begun to pull ahead and I didn't try to keep up. At the turn-around I see the first person behind me is Dan S. but he wasn't close enough yet to give me a push. I keep about the same pace as first mile and the second is 6:11. The 3rd mile I feel like slowing down. Normally at this point seeing the other runners come at me helps me speed up but not today. I'm just hoping I can maintain my pace enough so that Dan doesn't blaze past me right at the end.

As I turn the corner to go back around the lake I look behind and don't see anyone. I looked again on the next corner and still no one. I push on to the end with a final mile split of 5:45 and I think it was about 0.08 short. So I finish only 5 seconds slower than my official time last year which is decent considering I didn't feel like I pushed the effort too hard today. If Phil or Dan had caught up to me, I am sure I would have run harder. I placed 3rd of 115 people.

Phil placed 4th, Dan S. 5th, Dan H. 12th, and Hugh 15th. Hugh was the second over 50 male. Awards were watermelons for 18 and under, 18 - 49, and 50 and over male and female. The Lopez family took 2 melons. They are a fast family.

After the race, I ate some bananas and collected my special Tu/Th group bead for running the race. We stayed for the awards ceremony and then ran 3 more miles.

m1 - 6:14
m2 - 6:11
m3 - 6:25
m4 - 5:45 (0.92 on GPS - 6:15 pace)


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Hey, I ran the run, but have know clue where to get the results!

  2. They will be up at soon! There were some problems and we are still trying to figure out the results.
