Thursday, June 26, 2008

6/16/08 - 6/22/08

Good week with lots of hills and a great long run. Wish I could have run a little more but this seems manageable right now.

Date: 6/16/2008 6:20 AM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Brad Wadlow's High Intensity Interval Training - Back/Biceps/Abs
Duration: 36:00
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 8/10
Notes: Reverse Grip Barbell Row-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (151.25 - 6/6/6)
Dumbbell Row-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (51.25 - 12/12)
Deadlifts-2-2 rep tempo 1 sets of 20 reps (127.5 - 20)
Standing Barbell Curls-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (71.25 - 6/6/6)
Incline Dumbbell Curls-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (35 - 12/12)
Stability Ball Crunch (25lb - 60/60 alt/50)
PT Exercises/Stretches

Date: 6/17/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Hill
Course: Jaira's Jaunt - A Route
Distance: 8 miles
Duration: 57:40
Pace: 7:13 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 7/10
Weather: 57° F, Sunny
Notes: After the first mile today I picked up the pace since I was ready to run. The temp was cool and I had a good night's sleep. Dan caught up to me after mile 2 and we ran together the rest of the way. We kept checking to see how close the group behind us. In the last half mile, Matt Dreier and Mark Keyes catch up to us and Mark passes us. Then he slows down. We extended the run to 8 miles up Forum. I felt really good today with no tiredness or body part issues. This was a hilly course and we ran it well.

m1 - 8:40
m2 - 7:47
m3 - 7:23
m4 - 7:12
m5 - 6:54
m6 -6:50
m7 - 6:15
m8 - 6:36

Date: 6/17/2008 5:05 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Grindstone
Distance: 5 miles
Duration: 41:45
Pace: 8:21 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 3/10
Weather: 82° F, Sunny
Notes: Ran with Dan after work for an easy recovery run. The weather was nice and it was good to get some extra miles today. We took it easy since we ran hard this morning and Dan also has been having some pain in his left foot. Good conversation and company as usual. Hugh ran home from work and got some extra miles.

m1 - 8:49
m2 - 8:16
m3 - 8:23
m4 - 8:17
m5 - 7:58

Date: 6/18/2008 5:00 AM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Brad Wadlow's High Intensity Training - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Duration: 43:00
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 8/10
Notes: I'm impressed my weights are continuing to go up again. I seem to be making a little progress every week.

Decline Bench Press-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (120 - 12/12)
Flat Barbell Bench Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (111.25 - 6/6/6)
Incline Dumbbell Press-2-2 rep tempo 1 sets of 20 reps (50 - 18)
Barbell Overhead Press-4-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 6 reps (61.25 - 6/6/6)
Dumbbell Side Raises-3-2 rep tempo 2 sets of 12 reps (26.25 - 12/12)
Bent Over Dumbbell Side Raises-2-2 rep tempo 1 sets of 20 reps (55 - 20)
Pull-ups - 4 types (7/7/7/7)
Dips (12/10/10)
PT Exercises/Stretches

Date: 6/18/2008 5:10 PM
Type: Interval
Course: Newman Intervals
Distance: 8.24 miles
Duration: 59:50
Pace: 7:16 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 8/10
Weather: 82° F, Sunny
Notes: Met with Dan to run intervals. First one felt pretty easy. The rest felt increasingly difficult but probably could have pushed just a little harder. My goal for next time will be 6 minutes.
Statistics: Calories: 960
VO2 Max: 46.1

Intervals (Mile Interval)
Type Distance Time Total Pace Notes
Recovery 1.35 Mi 11:00 11:00 8:09 warm up
Interval 1 Mi 6:05 17:05 6:05 Goal 6:15
Recovery 0.5 Mi 4:05 21:10 8:10
Interval 1 Mi 6:12 27:22 6:12 Goal 6:15
Recovery 0.5 Mi 4:24 31:46 8:48
Interval 1 Mi 6:07 37:53 6:07 Goal 6:15
Recovery 0.5 Mi 4:20 42:13 8:40
Interval 1 Mi 6:04 48:17 6:04 Goal 6:15
Recovery 1.39 Mi 11:33 59:50 8:19

Date: 6/19/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Hill
Course: Miscellaneous Route
Distance: 9.3 miles
Duration: 1:13:58
Pace: 7:58 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 6/10
Weather: 62° F, Sunny
Notes: Today we ran to the golf course and ran on the perimeter which is a very hilly course. This run was in honor of Munashe who was required to carry some sort of stick as a weapon against predators. I hung back at the beginning. and eventually sped up and passed everyone except stayed behind James. The pack I was with ran around 2 times and then headed to the trail. Brad Miller was sticking to me like glue until the 2.0 marker and then Munashe passed and I stuck with him until the end.

Then that was only 4.8 miles so I extended the hilly route going on Katy Ln, Martinshire, Chapel Hill, and Grant. I was hoping to run a loop but was running out of time so turned around and went Chapel Hill, Forum, and back to trail.

This was kind of a crazy run today but a good hill workout.

m 1 & 2 - 16:59 (My GPS didn't work at beginning and then started working. Dan H. told me I was 1 mile off)
m 3 - 7:19
m4 - 7:37
m5 - 6:32 (catching Munashe)
m6 - 8:27
m7 - 8:27
m8 - 8:12
m9 - 8:12
0.3 - 2:10

Date: 6/21/2008 5:35 AM
Type: Long
Course: Two Loop Twenty
Distance: 21 miles
Duration: 2:36:30
Pace: 7:28 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (Red/Blue)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 7/10
Weather: 65° F, Sunny
Notes: Ran the two loop twenty today, but we did the second loop which is more hilly first. I immediately kept pace with Destiny and we got off to a pretty fast warm-up mile. We had to take a little detour to avoid the construction on part of Stewart Rd. We took a detour that wasn't out of our way and she stopped at Starbucks briefly to use the restroom and I waited and we got right back on pace. I was feeling like I could use a restroom, but couldn't go in without a shirt. Then we got to Hospital Dr and more construction. Destiny spotted a port-a-potty and thought she better stop again, but it was behind a fence. We found another area under construction with one and just went under the yellow tape. We actually were supposed to run down this road but it was fenced off so we had to figure out how to get back on course. This likely added a half mile. About 1 mi from the end she thought she needed a restroom and I was getting to that point too. She had me go ahead and walked a bit. About a half mile before the next restroom and our cars I had to stop and walk a few seconds and then ran again and just barely made it. I even forgot to stop my watch in the restroom which I guess was 2:54.

I had drank almost all of my Nunn on the first loop. I rehydrated and had an Accel and we were ready for the second loop. Hugh was coming in from the first loop just as we were leaving. Still a few hills, but not quite as bad. At about mile 16.5 Destiny tells me to go ahead since she is in need of a bathroom so I finish on my own. I picked up the pace in the last mile and was at 20.5 mi at my car so added another half mile to make it 21 miles. Destiny finished not far behind me but she had turned around and came back a different way. Brett and Dale came in while I was waiting for Hugh. Hugh ended up taking the trail spur back to the start which he thought was shorter and ended up being longer so he ran 21.5 miles.

This was a good run. Missed having Dan run with us today but he was going to run a 5K in Fulton if his foot felt okay. I found myself picking up the pace early in the second loop and tried to hold back to about 7:30. For this hilly course, 7:28 just seems fast for a training run. This has been a good week for hills.

m1 - 8:10
m2 - 7:19
m3 - 7:30
m4 - 7:22
m5 - 7:37
m6 - 7:22
m7 - 7:16
m8 - 7:05
m8.63 - 4:30 (I hit something wrong here and miles started splitting at 0.65)
m9.65 - 7:22
m10.65 - 7:18
m11.65 - 7:44
m12.65 - 7:26
m13.65 - 7:40
m14.65 - 7:37
m15.65 - 7:22
m16.65 - 7:40
m17.65 - 7:26
m18.65 - 7:37
m19.65 - 7:26
m20.65 - 6:50
m21.0 - 2:45

Date: 6/21/2008 7:00 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Bear Creek Trail
Distance: 4 miles
Duration: 34:07
Pace: 8:32 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Rider
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 1/10
Weather: 78° F, Sunny
Notes: Ran with Hugh, Dan, Copper, Tanner, Bruno and Rusty. This week even Hugh and Rusty ran with us. Rusty's leg is better and he was aching to run when we got there. Very impatient and barking at us to get going. I started out with Rusty and we started just a little too fast to get me moving after a 21 miler today. After the initial start, it turned out to be an enjoyable run, but Bruno was pulling Hugh so I took both dogs for awhile.

We stopped at their creek for drinks and for Bruno to cool off. After finishing Rusty is very ready to go to the pond. We are seeing a lot of the same dogs here every Sat. night. Tanner and Copper shared their squeaky toy with Rusty and Bruno so all dogs got to fetch in the water. We will keep a Frisbee in the car from now on so I don't forget to bring it.

After the pond, we all went to Jason's and this week we just ordered 1 pup cup for each 2 dogs with an extra cup. This was a fun outing as usual. Hopefully, the dogs will sleep well tonight.

m1 - 8:26
m2 - 8:44
m3 - 8:39
m4 - 8:16

Date: 6/22/2008 2:00 PM
Type: Trail
Course: Rock Bridge Miscellaneous
Distance: 9.5 miles
Duration: 1:24:24
Pace: 8:54 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Ascend 2 (Yellow)
Weight: 154 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 6/10
Weather: 85° F, Sunny
Notes: Ran with Dan at Rock Bridge. We ran 5 on the Deer run side and 4.5 on the Gans creek side. The trails were in pretty good shape and not too muddy today. The Gans creek didn't seem as bad as last week, but we did avoid some of the areas we ran last week. Still had to run through the tall grass.

m1 - 8:48 m6 - 9:19
m2 - 9:22 m7 - 9:33
m3 - 9:17 m8 - 9:53
m4 - 8:20 m9 - 8:02
m5 - 8:00 .5 - 3:48 (7:34 pace)

Running: 65.0 - 8:28:14

Weights: 1 hr 19 min (2 workouts)

MTD Running: 213.4 mi

YTD Running: 1491.0 mi

July 4-Parley Pratt 4 mi Freedom Run
July 12-Smokin' Chicks 5K
August 2-Great Sandbagger 10K
September 1-Heart of America Marathon
October 5-Twin Cities Marathon

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