Sunday, May 04, 2008

4/28 - 5/4

A good week of running with 70 miles and 2 weight workouts. Normally, I take off Wed, but had Wed night free this week so went to track nite. Ran hard again on Thursday and was ready for a day off on Fri. I even took the day off work on Fri, slept in a little and then got some things done around the house that I've fallen behind. After Saturday's run in the morning I was exhausted. Took a nap and went to bed early. I had a good day of running today but didn't push too hard.

This coming week I will cut back the mileage to about 50 miles to taper for the Berryman on May 17th. Hopefully, I will feel a little more energetic this week with the cut back in mileage.

I didn't manage to get any biking this week so hopefully I can soon. I'm unsure about signing up for swimming for the entire summer so may just do a month.

Date: 4/28/2008 7:20 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Dog Run
Distance: 4 miles
Duration: 33:54
Pace: 8:29 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Rider
Weight: 157 lb
Misc: Quality: 10/10, Effort: 2/10
Weather: 46° F, Sunny
Notes: Ran with Hugh, Bruno, and Rusty. Dogs were fast but stopped a few times.

m1 - 8:28
m2 - 8:20
m3 - 8:20
m4 - 8:45

Date: 4/29/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Easy
Course: Dave's Devil - A Route
Distance: 8 miles
Duration: 58:58
Pace: 7:23 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 157 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 5/10
Weather: 34° F, Sunny
Notes: Ran with Dan and Phil. It was light enough to run without a headlamp today. Run felt pretty easy. GPS worked for most splits other than the first mile so got the splits from Dan. I think it is time for a Garmin.


Date: 4/29/2008 5:00 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Campus
Distance: 6.5 miles
Duration: 50:29
Pace: 7:46 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 157 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 3/10
Weather: 63° F, Sunny
Notes: Met Dan S and Dan H for an enjoyable run on campus. I ran over from Hugh's work where I left the car for him to pack his clothes so he could run home. Then I ran to the Newman Center which was 1.4 miles . We ran and when I finished my GPS said 6.9 miles which didn't seem right. I checked my splits when I got home and it recorded mile 6 as 5:35 and we were not running that fast so that is where the extra mileage was added. I do know the first 1.4 miles were accurate since and Dan H had we ran 5.1 miles so I have determined I ran 6.5. My GPS has not working right for some reason and I am not sure the problem. Usually, it is short and today it was 0.4 miles too long.

The first mile split was 6:25 and the 0.4 was 2:42. I was in a hurry to get there!

Splits for the next 5 were a comfortable pace:

m1 - 8:22
m2 - 7:55
m3 - 7:57
m4 - 8:32
m5 - 8:03

Date: 4/30/2008 5:30 PM
Type: Track Nite
Course: Track Nite
Distance: 4.2 miles
Duration: 26:01
Pace: 6:12 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 156 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 7/10
Weather: 78° F, Sunny
Notes: I didn't go out too hard since my 800s were a lot slower than I was running last summer at track nights. The 600s I did push a little but they still weren't my fastest. Took it really easy on the first 200 and then pushed a little on the second one. Overall, not a bad track workout for the first one of the year. My warm-up mile was really fast. Also, this track workout felt a lot easier than the first one I did last year.

I did enjoy seeing everyone and there were some new faces. I also liked running in the warmer temps for a change.

1 mi warmup - 6:55

Buddy Relays:
2- 800s - 3:10, 3:00
2-600s - 2:03, 2:06
2-200s - 0:41, 0:37
1-100 (1 mi relay)
0.9 mi cool down

Date: 4/30/2008 8:30 PM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Weights, upper bulk #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), PT, & Wobble
Duration: 46:00
Weight: 156 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 8/10
Notes: First weight workout in 2 weeks and it felt great. I was tired when I got home but decided that I could not delay another day and it went really well. Ended up doing 12 reps on most of the weights. I started with the same weight I left off at a few weeks ago for this workout. I suppose Cici's Pizza helped too.

Decline Bench Press-2-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Flat Barbell Bench Press-2-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Incline Dumbbell Press-2-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Dumbell Overhead Press-2-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Dumbbell Side Raises-2-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Bent Over Dumbbell Side Raises-2-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Pull-ups (4 sets)
Dips (3 sets)
PT exercises
Wobble Board

Date: 5/1/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Tempo
Course: MKT West Bridge - A Route
Distance: 6 miles
Duration: 42:33
Pace: 7:06 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange)
Weight: 156 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 8/10
Weather: 62° F, Sunny
Notes: Pictures after the run today so we were supposed to go out 20 min and back. Ran with Dan and Phil caught up and ran with us after 2 miles. After the first mile we decided to do a tempo run. I felt good most of the run except the 1.5 miles really needed to use the bathroom so held back a little (although we did speed up) behind Dan and Phil.

m1 - 8:50
m2 - 7:22
m3 - 6:47
m4 - 6:41
m5 - 6:38
m6 - 6:34

Date: 5/1/2008 6:10 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Dog Run
Distance: 4 miles
Duration: 35:44
Pace: 8:56 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Rider
Weight: 156 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 2/10
Weather: 78° F, Sunny
Notes: Run with Hugh, Rusty, and Bruno. The dogs wanted to take it easy in the heat which was fine with me since I needed an easy run.

Date: 5/2/2008 8:25 PM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Weights, upper bulk #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble
Duration: 36:00
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 9/10
Notes: This was more difficult to hit 12 reps than the Wed. night workout.

Reverse Grip Barbell Row-2-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Dumbbell Row-2-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Deadlifts-2-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Standing Dumbell Curls-2-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Incline Dumbbell Curls-2-2 rep tempo 3 sets of 8-12 reps (30 sec rest)
Weighted Stability Ball Crunch-4-2 rep tempo 50 reps, alternating - 40 reps, no weight - 50 reps

Date: 5/3/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Long
Course: Sweet Sixteen
Distance: 16 miles
Duration: 2:04:23
Pace: 7:47 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Alchemy 7 (White/Orange #2)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 7/10
Weather: 48° F, Overcast
Notes: Run with the Lunatics. Ran with John, Phil, Kurt, and Dan. John turned off on the MKT at Scott Blvd. This was one of those runs where I wanted it to be over at times. There was a strong wind out of the WNW at 20+mph ( says gusting to 28 mph). We tried to stay out of it when we could by running close to the houses on the sidewalks. There were several good hills on this course if we didn't have the wind to run into. My legs felt a little tired and I really didn't feel like pushing any harder than we ran this. Felt freezing cold after standing around after the run. I did enjoy most of the run though. I'm just wondering where are the warm spring temps?

m1 - 9:16...... m9 - 7:19
m2 - 8:55......m10 - 7:19
m3 - 8:12......m11 - 7:40
m4 - 8:06......m12 - 7:44
m5 - 7:44......m13 - 7:33
m6 - 7:40......m14 - 7:19
m7 - 7:33......m15 - 7:11
m8 - 7:30......m16 - 7:19

Date: 5/4/2008 8:10 AM
Type: Easy
Course: Rocky Fork Conservation - Dog Run
Distance: 5 miles
Duration: 46:02
Pace: 9:13 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Rider
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 2/10
Weather: 45° F, Sunny
Notes: Ran with Rusty and Bruno. Bruno decided to slip out of his collar. After a little talk, I think we came to an understanding either stay in the collar or wear the harness. He kept the collar on. I decided to run in Rocky Fork so they would run slower. They started off from the house like crazy so I stopped, calmed them and we were off again at a more reasonable pace. They did get a little muddy and wet from the grass. I think we all enjoyed the run and they didn't even notice they ran an extra mile more than usual. It is always a very scenic course running in this area.

m1 - 9:20
m2 - 8:59
m3 - 9:24
m4 - 9:25

Date: 5/4/2008 2:00 PM
Type: Trail
Course: Rock Bridge Miscellaneous
Distance: 16.3 miles
Duration: 2:35:06
Pace: 9:31 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Ascend 3 (Red)
Weight: 155 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 6/10
Weather: 70° F, Sunny
Notes: Ran Gans Creek and Deer run with Dan. The weather was great and trails were mostly dry, but muddy in a few places.We did not push the effort too hard and it was an enjoyable run. Felt good after the run so I think we ran it at the right pace going into taper for the Berryman.

m1 - 10:07 m9 - 10:09
m2 - 9:52 m10- 9:47
m3 - 9:12 m11- 9:09
m4 - 10:26 m12- 9:07
m5 - 9:36 m13- 8:40
m6 - 10:21 m14- 9:03
m7 - 9:23 m15- 8:59
m8 - 9:10 m16- 8:41
m.31 3:16 (10:35 pace)

Running: 70 mi - 9:33:10

Weights: 1 hr 22 min (2 workouts)

MTD Running: 47.3 mi

YTD Running: 1078.8 mi

May 17-Berryman 50 Mile Trail Ultramarathon
September 1-Heart of America Marathon
October 5-Twin Cities Marathon

1 comment:

  1. Another great week of training. Glad to see your easy weeks are still greater than most of us do in two weeks!
