Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2007 First Night 5K

It was an interesting 24 hrs preceding this race. Woke up in the night with pain in the right rib cage area that hurt badly when breathing. Couldn't sleep on my side and not much better on the back. Went to urgent care and checked out healthy so they took a chest X-Ray and everyone looked good. Diagnosis was a muscle sprain, but not sure how it happened. Doctor said to take Ibuprofen.

Went home and took a nap and felt a little better but still pain so took more Ibuprofen. Warm-up went pretty well. Got back to car about 5 min before start, drank a Burn (free sample from XCExtreme). The start felt pretty good but a little fast so pulled back just a little. Caught up to Dan S. and wasn't sure I could keep up, but passed him somewhere in the first mile. Another guy I didn't know passed me. I could see Tom M. ahead, but wasn't gaining or losing on him. First mile split was 6:00. After the turn around, I could see Dan wasn't far behind. Phil was so far ahead I never did see him and missed him when he turned around too. I did see Hugh shortly after turn around.

Second mile still felt pretty good and split was 6:33. Kept pushing and checking my pace and trying to pick it up. Part of the last mile went down hill. I could still see Tom in my sights, but not gaining. Third mile split was 6:22 and last 0.1 mi was 33 sec. Distance on GPS 3.103. Dan finished right behind me a couple seconds. Excellent 5K and a PR for him. Phil was 18:58. Hugh finished in 22:02. I think everyone was happy with their results. I was happy considering the excuses I could have used like running 13 at Rockbridge yesterday. The pain I had earlier didn't bother me during the run and actually felt better, but it is back now but not too bad.

Overall placed 22 out of 249 and 3rd of 15 in my age group with some tough competition. Hugh was 43rd overall and 3rd of 12 in his age group.

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