Sunday, January 06, 2008

12/31/07 - 1/6/08

Solid first week of training for the year. Problems earlier in the week seem to be resolving. My goal for the week was 58 miles and exceeded slightly. Last night I officially signed up for the Berryman 50 miler in May. So right now, I’m officially training for Boston and the Berryman. So far haven’t made any other major race plans for in between. I’ve decided against the 50K in Feb, but the 3 days of Syllamo in March is still on my mind.

Date: 12/31/2007 3:30 PM
Type: Easy
Course: First Night 5K
Distance: 3 miles
Duration: 23:18
Pace: 7:46 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Rider
Weight: 158 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 6/10
Weather: 33° F, Overcast, Windy
Notes: Warm-up for the 5K

Date: 12/31/2007 4:00 PM
Type: Race
Course: First Night 5K
Distance: 3.1 miles
Duration: 19:28
Pace: 6:17 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Rider
Weight: 158 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 9/10
Field Placement: 22 / 249 (8.8%)
Age group: 35 – 39
Group Placement: 3 / 15 (20%)
Weather: 32° F, Windy, Partly Cloudy
Event URL:
Report: here

Date: 12/31/2007 4:30 PM
Type: Easy
Course: First Night 5K
Distance: 3 miles
Duration: 26:18
Pace: 8:46 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Rider
Weight: 158 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 5/10
Weather: 31° F, Windy, Partly Cloudy
Notes: Hugh, Dan, and me ran the course again to cool down.

Date: 1/1/2008 4:00 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Tiger Run - A Route
Distance: 7.4 miles
Duration: 1:09:22
Pace: 9:23 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Rider
Weight: 159 lb
Misc: Quality: 7/10, Effort: 6/10
Weather: 18° F, Windy
Notes: 8 of us showed up for the 4 pm run including Brad, Kim, Hugh, Andy, Dan S., Dan H, Chris Lunn (no kidding, Chris Lunn!) and one other woman (not sure name). We ran the Tiger Run course since Mizzou won. If Mizzou had lost, we would have run Hugh's Hulen Hills.

Wind chill was bitterly cold! I think about 4 F. Right Achilles hurt a little and muscles on right rib cage area hurt when breathing. I took it easy and stayed back with Chris who was toughing out his first run in months with no hat or gloves.

Date: 1/2/2008 7:00 PM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Weights, upper bulk #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble
Duration: 51:00
Weight: 159 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 7/10
Notes: Cut the ab exercises a little short. I realized while doing ab exercises the pain I've been having is coming from my upper abs.

Date: 1/3/2008 5:30 AM
Type: Tempo
Course: Rain Run - A Route
Distance: 7.5 miles
Duration: 55:21
Pace: 7:23 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Alchemy
Weight: 158 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 8/10
Weather: 14° F
Notes: Other than bitterly cold air to breathe this run felt pretty good. Achilles didn't bother me.

Date: 1/3/2008 8:30 PM
Type: Easy
Course: Treadmill
Distance: 4 miles
Duration: 34:10
Pace: 8:33 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Rider
Weight: 158 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 6/10
Weather: 66° F

Date: 1/5/2008 8:00 AM
Type: Race
Course: Runner's Choice 20K
Distance: 12.6 miles
Duration: 1:26:15
Pace: 6:51 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Alchemy
Weight: 157 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 9/10
Field Size: 26
Weather: 48° F, Overcast, Windy
Event URL:
Notes: We had twenty-one 20K and twenty 10K turn out this year which must be some kind of recent record. The temperature was great for running but a little wind. I attempted to stay with Phil and Tony and a little behind them to block the wind. Only able to keep up with Phil until about 3 miles and Tony eventually passed me, but he was running the 10K. The hills (long inclines) were already starting to hurt my legs. Caught up to Mike D. and Riley (dog) that were running the 10K, stayed with them awhile, but eventually, he pulled ahead. I was passed near the end of the first loop by Daniel that was running the 10K.

I tried to drink water at the water station on the second loop, but it wasn't going down easily. Darrin briefly caught up to me after I slowed down to drink, but I was able to pull ahead on the next downhill. We had to pass the finish line and go back out and back a short distance. Wind from the south so it was a tough out but easy back.

Placed 2nd overall in the 20K. Not a great time for me and pace definitely fell off a lot in the second half. I believe the course was a little long for 20K so counted it as 12.6 miles as indicated on GPS. I was 2 1/2 min faster than last year, but not my best time for this course. Hugh was 9 min faster than last year. Phil blew us all away at 1:22:32.

M1 - 6:36
M2 - 6:26
M3 - 6:29
M4 - 6:47
M5 - 6:51
M6 - 7:12 (40:20, 6:44/mi pace)
M7 -6:50
M8 - 6:50
M9 - 6:43
M10 - 7:30
M11 - 6:47
M12 - 7:08
M12.6 - 4:05 (45:55, 7:11/mi last 6.4, 1:26:15, 6:51/mi overall)

Date: 1/5/2008 10:15 AM
Type: Easy
Course: Miscellaneous Route
Distance: 6.2 miles
Duration: 56:46
Pace: 9:10 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Alchemy
Weight: 157 lb
Misc: Quality: 8/10, Effort: 8/10
Weather: 54° F
Notes: Exhausted, hungry, and thirsty after this run.

Date: 1/6/2008 6:45 AM
Type: Trail
Course: Rock Bridge Miscellaneous
Distance: 13.7 miles
Duration: 2:25:35
Pace: 10:38 / mile
Shoe: Mizuno Wave Ascend
Weight: 157 lb
Misc: Quality: 9/10, Effort: 7/10
Weather: 61° F, Sunny, Overcast, Humid
Notes: Ran 1 loop on Devil's Ice box side and 1 loop with group at 8 am on the Gans creek side. Very muddy today, but great run.

Date: 1/6/2008 4:30 PM
Type: Weight Training
Course: Weights, upper lean #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), PT, & Wobble
Duration: 1:00:00
Weight: 157 lb

Running: 60.5 Mi - 8:36:33

Weights: 1 hr 51 min

YTD Running: 51.4

February 2-Nut Race 5K
April 21-Boston Marathon
May 17-Berryman 50 Mile Trail Ultramarathon
September 1-Heart of America Marathon
October 5-Twin Cities Marathon


  1. Nice start to the year! I think a lot of people had a tough race on makes me feel better that everyone had it measured a little long too!

  2. hey andy,

    great start to the year. This is wayfool from about a year back. Just checking in. Think I'll be tracking your blog from now on!

  3. Woo hoo on your decision to run Berryman. That'll be so cool.

    I'm signed up for Syllamore 50k in Feb--well, I sent my app. in yesterday--but haven't signed up for 3 days yet. Hopefully, I get that ball rolling at the beginning of Feb. Can plan too far in advance! Ha.

    Peace and run hard home boy!
