Sunday, November 18, 2007

11/12 - 11/18

Not a very good week of running for me. I've been dealing with a slight cold since Friday, not sleeping well, and not a much motivation.

Monday, November 12

No workouts.

Tuesday, November 13

RUNNING (President's Hill at 05:30 am). 7.60 miles. Time: 55:34 (7:18/mile).
Training run.
Weight: 157
Shoes: Mizuno Wave Alchemy2 (31.5 miles)

WEIGHT LIFTING at 7:45 pm. Time: 58:00
Upper Lean 1.

Wednesday, November 14

No workouts.

Thursday, November 15

RUNNING (3 Diner Run at 05:30 am). 7.90 miles. Time: 55:02 (6:57/mile).
Training run.
Weight: 160 Shoes: Mizuno Wave Alchemy2 (39.4 miles)

WEIGHT LIFTING at 8:30 pm. Time: 53:00
Upper Lean 2.

Friday, November 16

No workouts.

Saturday, November 17

RUNNING (Cross Country Extreme ). 5 miles. Time: 42:00 (8:24/mile).
Weight: 160 Shoes: Mizuno Wave Ascend (trail) (5.0 miles)
NOTES: Low pressure fun run. I'm not even sure of the time or distance. I dressed as a tuxedo cat and Hugh dressed as a dog. New to the race this year was crawling under some twine about a foot high obstacles while fireworks were being set off over us. Lots of smoke so difficult to see. Other obstacles on the course too. A couple of guys with chainsaws chasing people. The big round bales of hay we ran over had "scary" creatures. This was a tough course and then we had to do most of it again other than breathing fireworks smoke. The cat costume was a bit hot for the weather. I didn't place in my age group, but Hugh placed first in the 50 - 59.

Andy & Lulu
Hugh, Bruno, and Rusty
Hugh with his window weight XCX 1st place award

More pics:

Sunday, November 18

RUNNING (MU Rec Trail ).
Training run.

RUNNING (MU Rec Trail ). 10 miles. Time: 1:26:39 (8:39/mile).
Training run.
Shoes: Mizuno Wave Alchemy2 (49.4 miles)
Totals through the displayed week
Running: 30.5 miles
Time: 3h 59m 15s
Avg. Pace: 7:51/mile
Weight Lifting:
Time: 1h 51m 00s
Running: 106.2 miles
Weight Lifting:
Time: 3h 31m 00s
Running: 2277.9 miles

Weight Lifting:
Time: 50h 59m 00s

1 comment:

  1. You are human afterall! Still you probably benefited from a cut back a week.
